- There is a leak in the gasoline tank. 汽油箱有个裂缝。
- He located a leak in the gasoline tank. 他找到了汽油箱上的漏洞。
- There's a leak in the gasoline tank. 汽油箱有个裂缝。
- Never smoke near the gasoline tank. 千万不可在靠近汽油箱处抽烟。
- Put one granule into per 45 litre fuel, and according to this analogy, adding into gasoline tank before refilling oil. 每45升燃油中加入1粒,以此类推,加油前放入油箱中即可。
- The charging of a condenser from a battery is not unlike the filling of a tank from an oil reservoir. 电池给电容器充电就象油灌给油箱加油一样。
- Please fill up my gasoline tank with lead free premium gas. 请加满油箱-无铅高级汽油。
- Through analysis and lest on liquid leakage cause of decanting distributor of quench oil tower, the source of gasoline tank heavily entraining water was found. 通过对急冷水塔的沉降分布器漏液原因进行分析及实验,找到了汽油槽严重带水的水来源。
- Enhancing development efficiency in shallow heavy oil reservoir. 提高浅层稠油油藏开发效果。
- He finds an urinal finally, in urinal replete benzine, two nun are carrying urinal to return a vehicle cheerfully over there, pour oil into gasoline tank. 最后他找到一个便壶,便壶里装满了汽油,两个修女提著便壶高高兴兴地回到车子那里,把油倒进油箱里。
- Core description of a point bar in a deep oil reservoir. 深部储油层中的曲流沙坝岩心示意图。
- Study on Plug Steam Flooding Technique for Heavy Oil Reservoir. 稠油油藏段塞蒸汽驱技术研究。
- Gas recovery from heavy oil reservoir with gas cap of Block Gao 3. 高3块气顶稠油油藏天然气采收率研究
- The figures also affirm something we know every time we refill our gasoline tank. 每当我们在油箱里加油时,这些数字也会印证我们的一些认识。
- We mainly support related products to ChangAn Group, produce automobile gemel, and provide clip of gasoline tank and bracket. 我厂现主要与长安汽车集团直接配套,生产全车铰链,还间接为长安生产油箱卡子、支架,有能力生产各种汽车、摩托车配件。
- After lacquer of transformer gasoline tank, how to check paint film flexibility? 变压器油箱涂漆后,如何检查漆膜弹性?
- The results indicate that the cracks on the wainscot of gasoline tank were stress corrosion cracks. 两批油箱壁板在加工完成后,放置一段时间后出现裂纹。
- Estimating maximum output of loose sandstone oil reservoir without controlling sand production at Minqiao oil field. 闵桥油田疏松砂岩油层在无防砂条件下最大产量估算。
- Chang 2 reservoir of Qingpingchuan oil field, located in the eastern Shanbei slope of the Erdos Basin, is a typical low penetrability oil reservoir. 摘要通过对岩石矿物、储层物性、油层敏感性和水驱油效果分析,在储层地质研究基础上,评价青平川油田长2油藏注水开发效果。
- Mian14 Area of Bamianhe Oilfield is a fault block and high-viscosity oil reservoir, with sanding formation and very different permeability. 摘要八面河油田面14区为断块稠油油藏,油层出砂,渗透率差异大。