- gas sensing transducer 气敏传感器
- The DPR strain ty pe d/p transducer and strain type transm itter developed by combining convex roun d diaphragm and force sensing transducer are introduced. 本文介绍了利用凸台圆膜片与测力传感器组合而研制成的DPR型应变式差压传感器和应变式差压变送器。
- This wide spectral emission range opens applications in gas sensing and optical interconnects. 如此宽的波段为气体探测和光互连等应用带来极大的便利。
- The gas sensing property of the materials is analyzed, the excellent gas sensing property is due to the high surface area and more active site. 分析了纳米SnO2 半导体材料的气敏特性,由于材料的比表面积增大、活性位增多,而具有着优异的气敏性能;
- Some electrical and gas sensing properties of SnO_2/Fe_2O_2 multilayer films prepared byplasma CVD are different from that of monolayer SnO_2 films. 用等离子体化学气相淀积法制备的SnO_2/Fe_2O_3多层膜的一些电学特性和气敏特性不同于SnO_2单层膜.
- WO3 film is a kind of smart material, which has been widely applied in electrochromism as well as electrcatalysis and gas sensing materials. 摘要WO3薄膜是一种智能材料,在电致变色、共催化和气敏性方面具有广阔的应用前景。
- In this study , Poly-crystal ZnO films have been grown by RF magnetron sputtering technique and were investigated the CO gas sensing properties . 中文摘要本论文主要以射频磁控溅镀法,探讨氧化锌薄膜对于有毒气体一氧化碳(CO)的感测特性。
- The develop ment of novel single frequency devices shows a bright future for near infrared laser diodebased gas sensing. 新型单频器件发展表明近红外激光二极管气体传感具有广阔前景。
- Application of near infrared laser diode to gas sensing is reviewed, followed by discussion on both the device characteristics and experimental techniques. 综述了近红外激光二极管在气体传感中的应用,讨论了用于这一技术的器件和实验技术。
- The tissue slice of sheep kidney in conjugation with ammonia gas sensing probes yields a sheep kidney tissue based membrane electrode with a high selectivity for D-amino acids. 将羊肾切片组织配合氨气敏电极可制成对D-氨基酸具有高选择性的羊肾组织膜电极。
- two-wire humidity sensing transducer 二线制传感变送器
- Semiconducting metal oxides such as tin oxide (SnO2), titanium dioxide (TiO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO) are routinely used as active materials in solid state gas sensing devices. 半导体型的金属氧化物,如氧化锡(SnO2)、氧化钛(TiO2)和氧化锌(ZnO),经常作为活性材料用在固态气体传感器件中。
- magnetic sensing transducer with zero-power consumption 零功耗磁敏传感器
- Study on Optical Fiber Gas Sensing Mechanism 光纤气体传感机理研究
- I'll refill my cigarette lighter with gas. 我将给打火机再灌满汽油。
- Gas sensing property of the film was investigated at different concentration of CO gases and results show that 0.5% Al3+ doped ZnO(mol/mol) thin film shows a maximum sensitivity to CO gas. The gas sensitivity mechanism of ZnO is also discussed. 在室温下;对薄膜在不同浓度的CO气体下的敏感特性进行了研究;随着气体浓度的增加;薄膜电阻值逐渐减小; 随着掺Al量的增大;气敏灵敏性先逐渐增大后减小;发现当铝含量为r(Al:ZnO)=0.;5%25时;对CO气体的灵敏度最大;并对紫外光照射下气敏半导体薄膜的气敏机理进行了简单分析。
- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 气体变成气泡升上水面。
- We are well served with gas in this town. 这个城镇煤气供应得很好。
- He cooks his meal with a gas stove. 他用煤气炉做饭。
- Don't forget to drop by at the gas station. 别忘了到煤气站去看看。