- He is already the general engineer of this low BTU water gas project. 他已经是这个低热水煤气工程的总工程师了。
- Bursting bubbles of gas project agglomerates of particles into the space above the bed. 爆裂的气泡把一团团的颗粒投射到床层上部的空间中去。
- The Camisea gas project has been controversial in Peru and at the IDB since breaking ground in 2001. 卡米希亚油管从2001年动工以来即争议不断,无论在秘鲁国内或美洲开发银行内部都有相关争论。
- Natural gas project and supp-lying-heat project can meet the long-term demand of civil life and industrial production. 天然气工程、供热工程可满足居民和工业生产长期需求。
- The Gorgon project, in the northwestern sea area of Australia, is one of the world's largest proposed gas project. 高庚液化天然气项目气田位于澳大利亚西北海域,被认为是世界上储量最大的气田之一。
- Tetrahydrothiophene is the preferred Odorant in city gas.It is being used widely in market with the success of West-to-East Gas Project. 四氢噻吩是城市燃气的首选加臭剂,随着我国西气东输等工程的建设成功,其市场前景广阔。
- L-type bench valves installed upstream from hotplate are installed using stainless steel bellows in indoor gas project for residential consumers. 在居民用户室内燃气工程中采用不锈钢波纹管,安装L型灶前台式阀,通过波纹定尺管与灶具螺纹连接,解决了胶管脱落引发燃气泄漏的问题。
- GGF China Advisory Board has made a recommandation of $2000 to support PEN's work in Northwest China's oil and natural gas project. 全球绿色基金(GGF)中国顾问委员会日前决定,将为石油与环境网络的西北油气开发与环境项目提供资助2000美元。
- As the pricing scheme for the West-East Gas Project was designed in view of the characteristics of China's gas industry to crack the har... 由于西气东输项目的定价方案是针对我国天然气行业的特点设计的,解决了我国天然气行业发展中的热点、难点和关键问题,对我国天然气行业的定价具有普遍的借鉴意义和应用价值。
- Metso Automation will deliver automated on-off ball valves to CTJV for incorporation into a major oil and gas project in Qatar where CTJV is the EPC contractor for the project. 常见的平板闸阀,电动球阀,不锈钢安全阀,通风蝶阀,流量控制阀,水力控制阀等。
- Officials at a natural gas project in Algeria are working on the In Salah Gas Project, which will strip carbon dioxide out of its emissions and sequester it a mile underground. 阿尔及利亚官员正在一个天然气开采项目中实施“因萨拉温室气体计划”。这一计划会把气田排放出的二氧化碳收集起来,将其封存在地下一英里处。
- Order followup, logistic coordination, payment hunting for Oil & Gas projects. 对于油气泵项目进行订单跟踪,货运协调和回款跟踪。
- Brief: This article introduced the Guangdong Olympics center coal gas project modulator shaping and the stadium torch gas piping technological design.... 简要:本文介绍了广东奥林匹克体育中心煤气项目的调压装置的选型及体育场火炬煤气管道工艺设计。...
- Abstract: Does the fuel gas project file have the important use value, how the article elaborates from four aspects can complete the fuel gas project records management work.... 摘要:燃气工程档案具有重要的利用价值,文章从四个方面论述如何才能做好燃气工程档案管理工作。...
- At the same time, lawmakers stopped short of including a stronger provision that would have required the U.S.Chevron company to give up its share of the Yadana natural gas project in Burmese waters. 这项法案经众议院通过以后,星期二参议院也予以批准,这个法案同时禁止缅甸军政府和其他军事官员以及他们的家属得到美国的签证。
- I'll refill my cigarette lighter with gas. 我将给打火机再灌满汽油。
- Peru, home to 70 million hectares of Amazon, second in size only to Brazil, has parcelled up almost three-quarters of its rain forest for oil and gas projects. 秘鲁境内有七千万公顷的亚马逊丛林,仅次于巴西。而其中大约四分之三的雨林已经被石油天然气开发项目所瓜分。
- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 气体变成气泡升上水面。
- We are well served with gas in this town. 这个城镇煤气供应得很好。
- He cooks his meal with a gas stove. 他用煤气炉做饭。