- Turn the gas out; the water is boiling over. 把瓦斯关掉。水滚出来了。
- Reverse the gas out of the hole. 反循环排气。
- We wanna electrify transportation. Electrify it. Get the gas out of it. 我们要电动化交通行业。电动化。去掉汽油。
- The out flow of redundant labor from the rural sector would raise the land-labor ratio. 过剩劳动力从乡村中流出会提高土地-劳动的比率。
- With five enlarging ring. Suitable for IGT Cu pipe with narrow space between in and out flow. 用于进`出口管间距较小的两器检漏;可避免多接头干扰.
- The energy input from the supernovas could also be driving gas out of the central region. 来自超新星的能量注入还可以将气体从中心驱出。
- Advances in horizontal drilling and the hydraulic fracturing of rock have made it possible to get previously inaccessible gas out. 但水平钻井的发展以及水力压裂岩石可以获得以前不可能开采的该类天然气。
- Vigorous mass loss from these stars before they explode, and the heat generated by the supernovas drive the gas out of the galaxy at millions of miles per hour. 在爆发之前,这些恒星会发生剧烈的物质损失,而超新星产生的热量也可以将气体以每小时几百万英里的速度驱出星系。
- The southwesterly from the Bay of Bengal and the cross equatorial flow from the southern hemisphere merge with the out flow of the Pacific anti-cyclonic circulation at the Peninsula. 而来自于印度、孟加拉湾之西南气流,和来自南半球之越赤道流,此时则与上述太平洋反气旋之外围环流会合于中南半岛一带。
- Can you smell the gas out? 你能闻到煤气漏气吗?
- FOR over a decade Royal Dutch Shell, along with its Japanese partners, Mitsui and Mitsubishi, has been struggling to coax oil and gas out of the frozen seas off Sakhalin Island, in Russia's far east. 十多年来,英荷皇家壳牌公司及其日本合作伙伴,三井公司和三菱公司,一直试图劝诱俄罗斯,在其远东的萨哈林岛(库叶岛二号项目)附近冰封的海上开采石油和天然气。
- Aim to impel knowledge especially tacit knowledge tied in individual or group coming out flowing, sharing, updating in organization. 使得个体和群体的知识,尤其是隐性知识从深度个人缠绕、队情节的束缚中解脱出来,实现流动、享和不断更新。
- Review on the Theoretic Study of Salt- Out Flow 盐析流动理论研究综述
- "We don't know how big the contribution of this out flowing signal is to the sense of proprioception under normal conditions," says Taylor. 泰勒说:“我们不知道在正常条件下,这种输出信号对本体感觉的作用有多大。”
- I was given gas when they pulled my tooth out. 给我拔牙时用了一氧化二氮。
- At first he relished facing these multitudinous adversaries.The long, winding tunnels that the Skaven had clawed out flowed with their blood. 鼠人发掘的那些漫长曲折的隧道几乎被它们自己的鲜血灌满。
- Frank rented out his gas station. 弗兰克把他的加油站租了出去。
- Your care was like a sluggish trickle of warm stream, Out flowing from the expression in your eyes, Nourishing those young hearts quietly like rain and dew for gentle flowers. 二十年前你的爱心是一股涓涓的暖流从你的表情、眼神中流淌而出静静地滋润青春心灵温柔花朵的雨露。
- The fantasy-like landscape of the nebula is sculpted by the action of out flowing winds and scorching ultraviolet radiation from the monster stars that inhabit this inferno. 星云内部存在诸多恒星,这些恒星像魔鬼一样发射外流风和灼热的紫外线辐射,从而塑造了星云梦幻般的景观。
- I'll refill my cigarette lighter with gas. 我将给打火机再灌满汽油。