- gas filling volume 充气量
- Age, body surface area (BSA) and dialysate fill volume (DV) were not different between the two groups. 两组的透析量 (dv)、体表面积(BSA)和年龄差异无显著性。
- TVF series machine is easy to repair,no need any special tool,complitely achieves easy to adjust,no filling when no blttle,accurate filling volume. TVF系列机种维护便利。无需任何特殊工具。真正做到调节便利,无瓶不灌,装量准确。
- The company had a total of 7 compressed natural gas filling stations at the end of the quarter. 截止到第二季度公司总共拥有7个压缩的天然气加气站。
- As soon as the weighing cell measures the preprogrammed fill quantity in the container, the valve stem is closed, ensuring high fill volume accuracy. 当称量单元确定瓶子重量已达预先设定的满瓶重量时,灌装阀立刻关闭,因此可以确保精确的满瓶重量。
- Dr Hon Eric LI raised questions on new tender requirements for gas filling stations and policies on oil reserves. 李家祥议员就新的油站的招标规定及石油储备政策提出质询。
- Application : This machine is designed for columniform capacitor PFC gas filling in the vacuum tank. 产品用途:用于圆柱形电力电容器PFC在真空罐中充气。
- The Arabian's feats of endurance would fill volumes. 阿拉伯人因为耐力而建立的功绩可以写几本书。
- Five dedicated liquefied petroleum gas filling stations located in various districts will come into operation by the end of next year to strengthen support for LPG vehicles. 五个分布各区的专用石油气加气站将于明年年末投入服务,加强对石油气车辆的支援设施。
- Explanation: Clouds of glowing hydrogen gas fill this colorful skyscape in the faint but fanciful constellation Monoceros, the Unicorn. 说明: 这张在麒麟座内拍摄到的昏暗而又奇特的彩色影像里充满了炽热的氢气云气。
- The process parameters, such as melt temperature, mold temperature, gas delay time, melt filled volume and gas pressure, were investigated by means of computer aided engieering (CAE) simulation. 采用计算机模拟技术,分析了熔体温度、模具温度、气体延迟时间、预注射量和进气压力对中空率的影响。
- The article introduces design and investigation of Shanghai Dimethyl Ether experiment gas filling station by depicting its equipment and process flow feature. 通过叙述加气站的流程特点、设备介绍了上海市二甲醚试验加气站的设计、研究。
- Light soil strength decreases with increase of light fillings volume percentage and increases with increase of age. 轻质土强度随轻质填充料体积分数的增大而减小,随龄期的增长而提高。
- Gas filling Xenon or Krypton. 主要填充气为氙气和氪气。
- During the year,planning standards and guidelines for petrol filling stations,liquefied petroleum gas filling stations,electricity supply,telephone service and greening were revised or in the process of formulation. 年内,当局修订或制定了有关加油站、石油气加气站、电力供应、电话服务和绿化计划的规划标准与准则。
- During the year, planning standards and guidelines for petrol filling stations, liquefied petroleum gas filling stations, electricity supply, telephone service and greening were revised or in the process of formulation. 年内,当局修订或制定了有关加油站、石油气加气站、电力供应、电话服务和绿化计划的规划标准与准则。
- The Soviet social safety net has been shredded, and articles about the woes and impoverishment of the Russian people could fill volumes. 前苏联的安全部门已然消失,描写俄罗斯人悲剧和贫困的文章已可编成数卷。
- Shop windows are smashed and tear gas fills Syntagma Square outside parliament for a few hours.... 他们会在议会外,持续几小时砸碎商店窗户、宪法广场也弥漫著催类瓦斯.........
- In the case of cryogenic gas filled into cryogenic home vessels for delivery to users, each vessel should be tested for identity and assay. 如果用低温家用容器装低温气体给用户使用时,每罐都应做鉴别和分析检测。