- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 气体变成气泡升上水面。
- Gas bubbles coalesce to grow as they rise. 气泡在上升中聚集成长。
- We say the steel is "killed"because it will quietly solidify in the mould, with no gas bubbling out. as a result, killed steel is dense in structure, uniform in composition, and not so segregative as other types of steels. 我们说钢液被"镇静"了,因为这种钢液在钢锭模中平稳地凝固,没有气泡冒起。所以镇静钢组织致密,成分均匀,不像其他铸钢那样偏析。
- We view fresh gas entering the bed only in the form of gas bubbles. 新鲜气体可视作仅以气泡形式进入床层。
- Instead, the contaminating grease reacts with the acid to form gas bubbles. 相反地,残留的油脂会和酸反应产生气泡。
- Gases bubbled up from the earth. 气体从地下冒了出来。
- A small cavity formed in volcanic rock by entrapment of a gas bubble during solidification. 气疱在成石过程中在火山岩中包含气体的一种小洞穴
- In the course of its rapid expansion, the hot gas bubble, while still under water, initiates a shock wave. 在热气泡迅速膨胀过程中,(它仍然在水下),它引起了冲击波。
- Gas bubbles in the ash left holes that store large amounts of water for plant use. 火山灰内的气泡会留下空洞,它可以贮藏大量水份供植物利用。
- The gas bubbles affect the acoustic properties of the line by energy dissipation as well as by added compliance. 气泡改变了管道的声学性质,这是由于能量的耗散和增加了顺从性的缘故。
- A foam is a colloidal system in which gas bubbles are dispersed in a liquid or solid. 泡沫也是一种胶体体系,其中气泡分散在液体和固体里。
- In order to form commercial accumulation of petroleum hydrocarbons, the oil droplets and gas bubbles must be migrated into nearby permeable beds. 要形成具有经济价值的石油碳氢化合物聚集,油雾雾珠和气泡就得运移到附近的透水岩层中去。
- The complete release of carbon dioxide is important, since gas bubbles will interfere with the photometric measurement. 完全脱除二氧化碳非常重要,因为气泡会干扰光度计的测定。
- Foam. A polymer that has been made porous (or spongelike) by the incorporation of gas bubbles. 泡沫塑料:通过加入气泡制成多孔的(像海绵一样的)高分子。
- At the tip of the gas bubble, it becomes long and thin for the second penetration. 在气泡末端,由于气体的二次穿透作用而使气泡变得细而长。
- The generous cup pluses to embellish colourfully, floating the beer of the carbonic acid gas bubble, drinking with it is also a delicious clearness! 宽大的杯口加上五颜六色的点缀,浮着气泡的啤酒,用它来饮用更是香醇清爽!
- Another popular pulse suppression arrangement involves a gas bubble trap as described in the final sentences of para 12. 另一种常见的脉冲抑制装置包括一个气泡疏水器,如第12段最后几句所描述的。
- I'll refill my cigarette lighter with gas. 我将给打火机再灌满汽油。
- Influences of dynamic conditions on molecule chain relaxation during molecular orientation and extrudate swell and gas bubble nucleation were analyzed. 分析动态条件对分子取向、出口膨胀中分子链松弛过程的影响,进而指出对泡沫塑料气泡成核行为的影响。
- Curves of the positions and velocities of obstructed liquid front and gas bubble front under the dfference of compressed pressure were obtained. 实验给出了在压强差作用下阻塞液柱前阵面以及穿入粘液柱气泡前阵面的位置和速度曲线。