- gas IC engine 燃气发电机
- M.F. Harrison, P.T. Stanev.Measuring wave dynamics in IC engine intake systems. 杨寿藏,陈云彪,现代先进发动机技术-进排气系统(一).;柴油机设计与制造,2001(1)
- The experimental results indicate that the DDI system is reliable and feasible for the studied IC engine prototype. 样机试验结果表明所研制的数字直接点火系的方案可行、性能可靠。
- A.A.Sokolov and S.T.Glad,”Identi_ability of Turbocharged IC Engine Models”, SAE Paper No.99P130. 黄惠辉;”四行程机车引擎性能测试分析”;机械工业杂志;1996.
- On this basis it makes some study on the combustion process of hydrogen-fueled IC engine by changing the ignition advance angle and equivalence ratio of the model. 在此基础上,进行了点火提前角和燃空当量比对氢内燃机燃烧过程的影响研究,为合理组织氢内燃机的燃烧过程研究提供了依据。
- This paper presents the essential principles, calculation programs andsome examples for measuring the torsional vibration of the IC engine crankshaft usingthe AVL 657 Digital Analyzer. 阐述了利用AVL657内燃机数据分析系统测量内燃机曲轴扭转振动的基本原理、计算程序和测量实例。
- The advantages and main problems of hydrogen fueled IC engine are introduced.Ideas to solve these problems which are excogitated by domestic and overseas as well as their principles are presented. 摘要介绍了氢燃发动机的优势和现阶段氢燃发动机本身存在的主要问题,国内外对解决或减轻这些问题的方法及其机理。
- Application of Finite Element IC Engine 有限元及其在内燃机中应用
- In accordance with the fundamental idea of Denton scheme,a time-maching finite volume program for calculating the three-dimensional flowin ports of IC engines has been developed. 本文根据Denton格式的基本思想,发展了一种计算内燃机气道内部流动的时间相关有限体积法程序。
- LIU Xiao-sheng,ZHZO Dong,WANG Wen-shao.Effects of in-situ fabric on the dyn amic deformation behavior of saturated sand[J].Journal of Hydraul ic Engineering,1993,2: 32-42. [1]刘小生;赵冬;汪闻韶: 原状结构性对饱和砂土动力变形特性影响试验研究[J].;水利学报;1993;2: 32-42
- Hydraulic valve lifter on modern IC engine 液力挺柱技术在现代内燃机上的应用
- I'll refill my cigarette lighter with gas. 我将给打火机再灌满汽油。
- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 气体变成气泡升上水面。
- We are well served with gas in this town. 这个城镇煤气供应得很好。
- Design and Application of Plate-Pin Oil Cooler in IC Engine 板翅式机油冷却器在发动机中的应用与设计
- He cooks his meal with a gas stove. 他用煤气炉做饭。
- Don't forget to drop by at the gas station. 别忘了到煤气站去看看。
- Application of Spray Breakup Model in the CFD of IC Engine 喷雾破碎模型在内燃机CFD中的应用
- I was given gas when they pulled my tooth out. 给我拔牙时用了一氧化二氮。
- His long speech was nothing but gas and hot air. 他的长篇大论只是吹牛和空话。