- garden site survey map 园址测量图
- Attends customer's brief and site survey. 参与用户简会并进行现场规划及勘察。
- During the site survey, tell users that you need their passwords to make the wireless LAN work for them. 在现场勘测时,告诉使用者你需要他们的密码,以开始进行无线区域网路勘测的工作。
- The China Daily reports water ministry officials are doing a site survey to study the feasibility of the temporary dam project suggested by Russia. 中国日报报导,水利部官员正在进行实地考察,对俄罗斯提出的修建临时水坝的建议进行可行性研究。
- This approach is compatible with any location to be chosen for any RAP, resulting from initial engineering, but also from the site survey. 这种方法同为RAP选择的任何位置都是兼容的,这是初始工程设计的结果但也是现场勘察的结果。
- On this day, taken from the Great Wall of China Beijing Mutian Valley from the 14th Olympic Games torch for the Beijing Olympic champion NORAD Garden site, and held a grand ceremony collections. 在这一天,采自中国北京慕田峪长城的第十四届亚运会圣火由奥运冠军传递到北京奥林匹克花园现场,并举行隆重的收藏仪式。
- Love songs are analyzed from the point of historical source , arts features, singing methods and successive aestheticism, by means of site survey, Love songs collecting and recording and enquiry analysis. 在具体研究过程中,笔者通过实地考察、采访、音像分析等手段,就湘西侗族情歌的历史源流、音乐特征、演唱方法、传承方式、审美价值等问题进行了一定的剖析与思考。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- This paper presents the energy performance assessment results and the potential energy saving recommendation of a typical AHU in Harbor City in Hong Kong via a site survey and measurement. 通过对香港海港城空调系统中具有代表性的AHU运行特性的测试,对其运行能耗进行评价分析,并 提出节能改进建议。
- The garden is overgrown with weeds. 这个园子里长了许多野草。
- Propagation Model seclect, link budget, capacity planning, system emulation, site survey, radio parameter planning, Frequency&CPI assignment are included in the TD-SCDMA network planning. TD-SCDMA网络规划包括传播模型选择,链路预算,容量规划,系统仿真,站点勘测,无线参数规划,频率和扰码规划等方面。
- On the basis of questionnaire and site survey,the authors investigate current situation of library and information science postgraduate in Beijing and Shandong typical university libraries. 通过调查问卷与现场调研法,对北京和山东的典型高校图书馆内图书情报研究生情况进行调查。
- Recently, the Yellow River Hydrographic Survey Mapping Agency to convene in 2009 the Yellow River section of the unity of tests Xunhou mobilization meeting. 近日,黄河水文勘察测绘局召开2009年汛后黄河河道断面统一性测验动员大会。
- He planted roses in the middle of the garden. 他在花园中间种上玫瑰。
- I was sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine. 我坐在庭院里享受明媚的阳光。
- One end of the garden was fenced off for chickens. 花园的一端已用篱笆隔开来养鸡。
- Application of Magnetic Detection to Site Survey 磁法勘探在井场调查中的应用
- The heavy rain made a great mess of the garden. 这场大雨把花园搞得一团糟。
- The man does odd jobs in my father's garden. 那人在我父亲的花园里打零工。
- The prisoners were let out to work in the garden. 囚犯们被放出到花园里去劳动。