- garden construction methods 造园手法
- Tsinghua Sci-Tech Garden Construction Stock Co., Ltd. 清华科技园建设股份有限公司。
- Beijing University Scie-Tech Garden Construction Development Co., Ltd. 北大科技园建设开发有限公司。
- The Study of Highway Roadbed Earthwork Construction Method. 高等级公路路基土方施工方法的研究与探讨。
- Construction Method of Light Railway Station of Guangzhou New Baiyun. 建筑。广州新白云国际机场轻轨站施工方法简介。
- Is the contractor experienced in this type of work or construction method? 承包商是否具有施工同样类型建筑的经验?
- This paper presents the construction method of pneumatic rammer piling. 文章介绍了气动夯锤打桩的施工方法。
- Xiangshan temple - The botanical garden construction assumes elegantly, full age of the incense and candle to wind around Pu all living things. 园林建筑呈秀美,终年香火缭绕普众生。
- Directional drilling is an advanced construction method in river crossing. 定向钻穿越河流是一种比较先进的施工方法。
- Slipform construction method is a mo re advanced concrete construction method. 滑模施工方法是一种较为先进的砼施工方法。
- Designers and contractors should be alert to constant innovations in bridge design and construction methods. 设计者和承包商们要注意桥梁设计和施工方法的不断革新。
- Gongwangfu Ancient Building Gardening Construction Co. 第五建筑工程公司恭王府古建园林建设公司。
- Shanghai Takasho Gardening Construction Material Co., Ltd. 上海高秀园艺建材有限公司。
- Construct, developers must use factory constructor methods. 开发者必须使用工厂构造器方法。
- To create an object, call the constructor method in a class type. 要创建一个对象,应调用类中的构造器方法。
- Two years later, she had a small writing room in the garden constructed out of a wooden toolshed below a loft. 两年后,她在花园里拥有了一个用于写作的小房间,那是从阁楼下的木制棚屋改建而来的。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- The garden is overgrown with weeds. 这个园子里长了许多野草。
- For private building developments, we encourage innovation and adoption of new technology and construction methods. 关于私人楼宇的发展,我们鼓励创意和鼓励采用新的技术及建筑方法。
- This paper presents the construction methods of main towers of the Fourth Bridge on Xiangjiang in Xiangtan. 本文对湘潭湘江四大桥主塔施工方法进行阐述,并对施工过程中关键环节进行分析和总结。