- gar (gross annual return) 年总回收
- On its annual return they will shed tears. 年年此日,他们将痛洒热泪。
- Gross annual industrial and agricultural output in the city of Suzhou has approached US$800 per capita. 现在,苏州市工农业总产值人均接近八百美元。
- Company secretarial services or Annual Return filing service, etc. 提供有限公司秘书服务或代呈报公司注册处有关年报等文件。
- It is estimated that the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output will be quadrupled. 工农业总产值预计翻两番。
- In the six years from 1977 to 1982,the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output in Jiangsu Province doubled. 江苏从一九七七年到去年六年时间,工农业总产值翻了一番。
- It is entirely possible to achieve the goal of quadrupling the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural production by the end of the century. 在本世纪末实现工农业总产值翻两番的目标是完全可能的。
- In the six years from 1977 to 1982, the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output in Jiangsu Province doubled. 江苏从一九七七年到去年六年时间,工农业总产值翻了一番。
- There should be more detailed overall planning for quadrupling gross annual industrial and agricultural output by the end of the century. 到本世纪末实现翻两番,要有全盘的更具体的规划,
- The Party's Twelfth National Congress set a goal of quadrupling the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output between 1980 and the year 2000. 党的十二大提出,到二零零零年,我国的工农业年总产值,要比一九八零年翻两番。
- Their products are sold at higher prices but the annual return shows greater profitability. 他们的产品售价高,但他们的年统计表显示出较高的利润。
- Now Lloyd's, a $35 billion market by gross annual written premiums, generates 75 per cent of its business from outside Britain, including 40 per cent from the United States. 这是在2003年采用,两家公司被逐出市场后,他们的建议再没有通过了,证明了一个道理,那就是理解实践需要不断的去提高与多样化。
- The agreement states that the R.O.I is at 5% per month at a time when the annual return on a GIC is about 2-3%. 协议在当时定期储蓄的年利率只有2-3%25的情况下,保证投资者的月投资回报率为5%25。
- Your investment ideas /proposal capable of generating 10% annual return on investment (AROI) will also be appreciated. 您的投资理念/建议能够产生10%25,每年的投资回报率(aroi)也将受到赞赏。
- The objective for the two decades from 1981 and the end of this century has been set: on the basis of steadily improved economic performance, we shall try to quadruple the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output by the year 2000. 到本世纪末二十年的奋斗目标定了,这就是在不断提高经济效益的前提下,工农业年总产值翻两番。
- B.The goal of a serious amateur or a semiprofessional is to generate a 20% annual return on equity. 认真的业余选手或半个专业人士的目标是每年赚20%25。
- To be eligible for legal representation under the scheme, an applicant has to pass a means test: if his gross annual income does not exceed $127,330, he is eligible for assistance under the scheme. 申请人必须通过经济审查,证明其全年总收入不超过127,330元。
- The goal of a serious amateur or a semiprofessional is to generate a 20% annual return on equity. 认真的业余选手或半个专业人士的目标是每年赚20%25。
- The objective set at the Twelfth National Congress is to quadruple the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output in 20 years, starting from 1981, that is, by the end of the century. 十二大提出的奋斗目标,是二十年翻两番。二十年是从一九八一年算起,到本世纪末。
- Their annual return shows greater profitability and much heavier investment in plant and machinery over the last two years. 年度报告表明,在过去两年中他们的利润率有的提高,在厂房和机器方面的投资大有增加。