- Slop out the waste basins first when you get up. 起床的第一件事是把例盆倒了。
- gangue slop 煤矸石质边坡
- He used to slop around all day in his pyjamas. 以前,他时常整天穿着睡衣闲逛。
- Gangu to the Big Buddha Sakyamuni. 甘谷大佛为释迦牟尼佛。
- Don't slop your coffee in the saucer like that. 看你,别把咖啡洒得满盘子都是。”
- West of Gangu earthquake in 143 A. D. 143年甘谷西地震
- If anything can put Slop down, Arabin will do it. 要是有什么办法可以把斯洛普压制下去,阿拉宾保管会做的。
- Captives come here to eat slop cooked from corn. 俘虏们在这里吃些玉米做的流食。
- Oh, don't slop and gush and be sentimental. 别这样婆婆妈妈:淌眼抹泪的啦。
- Some of the soup slop over the edge of the bowl. 有些汤溢到碗边上了。
- The ski slop was situated just outside the town. 滑雪场就坐落在市郊。
- Don't slop the milk around as you pour it. 恩怎样说再到牛奶的时候不要把牛奶到得到处都是?
- When pop-bottles pop bottles topple pop mops slop. 当波普装瓶的爆炸瓶爆炸时,波普还在擦工作服。
- If you fill the cup too full, the coffee might slop over when you carry it to the table. 如果你把杯子倒得太满的话,你端上桌的时候咖啡会荡出来。
- You'll never have a future if all you do is slop around all day. 如果你只是整天游手好闲地荡来荡去你决不会有前途。
- Formulas to treat the tank bottom, aged emulsions and slop oil. 用于处理罐底、老化的乳化油和废油。
- H1105 is an effective depeasor for such gangue minerals as quartz and calcite. H1105是石英、方解石等脉石矿物的良好抑制剂。
- Chuck Tent: Captives come here to eat slop cooked from corn. 简易的饭馆: 俘虏们在这里吃些玉米做的粗食。
- At the same time,the means of driving gangue in place of coal is taken. 同时,采用了掘出的矸石与煤的合理“置换”方式。
- If you roll a ball up a slop, it will roll down again. 它还会滚下来。