- Material: Galvanized steel strip and cotton thread. 材质:低碳镀锌钢带及棉线。
- Made of highly Galvanized Steel. 高级镀锌钢制做。
- Material:Galvanized steel strip and asbestos line. 材质:低碳镀锌钢带及石棉线。
- Commodity:Hot dipped galvanized steel in coil . 货物名称:冷轧热镀锌卷。
- We used galvanized steel joinery on the project. 我们使用镀锌钢连接件。
- Good adhesion to steel, galvanized steel and aluminum alloy. 对钢铁、锌钢材及铝合金有良好的附着力。
- Good adhesion to light metal, galvanized steel and carbon steel. 与钢材、镀锌钢材、轻金属有良好的附着力。
- Cages are of plastic-coated galvanized steel or wood. 笼是塑料涂层镀锌钢板或木材。
- Can be applied to well-prepared bare steel, galvanized steel and light metal. 适用于经预处理的裸钢、镀锌材和轻金属。
- Drum material for galvanized steel, stainless steel, aluminum alloy material. 滚筒材质多为碳钢镀锌、不锈钢、铝合金材质。
- The body is aluminium alloy,the other parts aare hot-dip galvanized steel. 本体为铝合金件,其余为热镀锌钢制件。
- The cotter pin is stainless, the other parts are hot-dip galvanized steel. 闭口销为不锈钢制件,其余为热镀锌钢制件。
- The cotter pin are stainless steel,the other parts hot-dip galvanized steel. 闭口销为不锈钢铸件,其余为热镀锌钢制件。
- The jacket shall be round 16-gauge galvanized steel with acrylic enamel finish. 外壳应该是圆形16级电镀钢,外覆亚克力珐琅表面。
- The cotter pin is stainless steel,the other partshot-dip galvanized steel. 闭口销为不锈钢件,钢铁制件热镀锌。
- Kitchen, storage room, the track, as far as possible choose galvanized steel. 厨房、储藏室等的轨道,尽可能选择镀锌钢的。
- The closed-pin is stainless steelwork,the parts are galvanized steel. 除闭口销为不锈钢件,其余为热镀锌钢制件。
- Galvanized steel wire: 14 guage, 1/4 mile long (on a spool)metal or wood . 13 spools. 镀锌铁丝:14线径,1/4英里长,绕于金属或木制线轴上。采购13线轴。
- One of the biggest changes from his past work is that he used galvanized steel rather than rusted steel. 其中最大的变化,从他过去的工作,就是他用热浸镀锌钢板,而不是锈钢。
- Midland Metals Corporation is one of the largest suppliers of galvanized steel wire, steel wire related products worldwide. 米德兰金属公司是世界上生产镀锌钢丝、钢丝产品的最大厂家之一。