- The worker repaired the barrel with a hoop iron. 这个工人用一个铁箍修桶。
- galvanized hoop iron 镀锌铁箍
- The worker repaired the barrelwith a hoop iron. 这个工人用一个铁箍修桶。
- The worker repaired the barrel with a hoop iron 这个工人用一个铁箍修桶。
- Holt hoop iron construction technique 抱箍法
- "Holt Hoop Iron" Construction Technique for the Bridge Bent Cap 桥梁盖梁"抱箍"法施工技术
- "Holt Hoop Iron"Construction Technique for the Bridge Bent Cap 桥梁盖梁“抱箍”法施工技术
- The hoop rolled along the pavement. 圆环沿人行道滚动。
- Her approach always galvanized him into new and spasmodic life. 她每次走进来都使他感到一阵阵振奋激动。
- The worker bent an iron rod into a hoop. 工人把铁条弯成箍。
- A shot rang out and galvanized the patrol into action. 一声枪响使巡逻队马上行动起来。
- He felt he would be put through the hoop. 他感觉到自己会受到苦难。
- Friction index: close to galvanized iron duct. 沿程摩阻系数:沿程摩阻系数接近镀锌铁皮风管。
- A hula hoop can be spun around the body. 呼啦圈可绕著身子转。
- The time when we used galvanized iron has passed. 我们用洋铁的时代已经过去了。
- A blast in his ear galvanized him into full consciousness. 耳边一声轰响使他完全清醒过来。
- This bucket is made from a galvanized iron sheet. 这个水桶是用镀锌铁皮制成的。
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破仑攻无不克靠的是坚强的意志。
- It will take weeks to get all the wrinkle iron out. 解决这些难题得要几周时间。