- It's fun to run and jump in the sun. 在太阳下跑跑跳跳很有意思。
- I wanted to run and jump into it at once. 我真想飞奔着投入它的怀抱。
- Grains: Foods like bread, cereal and rice give us energy to run and jump. 谷物:像面包、麦片,米饭这类食物能够提供我们运动的能量。
- I must get into sumptuous raiment, and it wouldn't do to run and jump into it. 我得穿上富丽奢华的的衣服,而且猛一下子穿上还不行。
- They're running and jumping all the time. 他们一直在跑和跳。
- You know it's true. You'll dance, you'll sing, and clap your hands. Run and jump with all your friends. 你知道是真的。你可以跳舞,唱歌,拍手。和你所有的朋友跑步,跳跃。
- But this time, he hasn't been hanged as usual, he was put on the desk. The puppet was so happy and he run and jump on the desk. 这一回演出结束后,他没被挂在墙上,而是被放到桌面上。这个木偶欣喜若狂,在桌面上跑来跑去,跳来跳去的。
- The people of Kasumi Kogen are alumni of the school, and they run and jump and disappear as if the whole town were a big ninja house. 这就是那个被称为“克诺伊”的养成学校“私立志能备学园”。
- Look! The monkeys are running and jumping all the time. 看!那些猴子总是蹦来蹦去。
- Running and jumping again, he disappeared in a flash. 于是再度活蹦乱跳,一溜烟不见踪影。
- When Wolfie saw the Empress, he ran and jumped on her lap! 当小莫扎特看到太后时,他高兴地跑了起来,一下就跳上了她的膝头!
- I like to watch track. I like the running and jumping. 我喜欢看田径赛。我喜欢跑步和跳高。
- Could you run and fetch a doctor for me? 你能跑去给我请一个医生吗?
- The kids would line up on one side and take turns running and jumping over it. 孩子们在绳子的一边排好队,然后轮流跑向绳子,跳过绳去。
- Run and beat up the men quickly. 快去把人召集起来。
- The little boy gabble his prayers and jump into bed. 那小男孩匆匆念过祷文就跳上了床。
- Let's have a trial run and see if everybody knows what to do. 让我们先试一试,看看大家是否知道怎么做。
- The main kinematic parameters of running and jump starting for some top domestic and world teenaged men long jumpers were studied by statistical analysis on the basis of collected literature. 以收集文献资料为基础,采用数理统计的方法,对我国部分青少年优秀跳远运动员和国际优秀跳远选手助跑起跳的一些运动学参数进行比较研究。
- Running and jumping and ducking bullets is not my idea of a good day. 奔跑、跳跃、躲子弹不是我理想的生活状态。”
- The house was just a hop and jump from the road. 那房子正好离公路很近。