- After a day of gale force winds and driving rain I was soaking. 在一天的狂风暴雨后,我已经成了落汤鸡。
- Cyclonic gale force winds (or above) are expected to blow in Hong Kong. 香港将吹烈风程度或以上的旋风。
- Northeasterly winds have reached gale force in most parts of the territory, while a couple of stations are registering sustained storm force winds. 本港大部分地区正吹烈风程度东北风,数站更录得持续暴风风力。
- As KOPPU continues to intensify and edge closer, winds will strengthen significantly tonight, possibly with gale force winds. 随著巨爵增强并靠近,本港风势将于今晚显著增强,并有机会吹烈风。
- Even now theClipper 07-08 crew from leg 4 speak about the gale force winds, huge seas and icyconditions that they faced in the Luzon Straits and South China Sea. 即使是现在的克利伯07-08船员腿部4谈论烈风,巨大的海洋和冰冷的条件,他们所面临的吕宋海峡和南海。
- It is worthwhile to note that although gale force winds were recorded on the bridges between Macau Peninsula and Taipa, only the Strong Wind Signal was hoisted there. 值得留意的是虽然不只一条连接澳门半岛与氹仔的大桥曾录得烈风,当地却只挂上三号风球;
- Sample of new webpage showing distribution of strong and gale force winds in Hong Kong 示例:天文台新网页显示港内强风及烈风分布情况
- Gale force winds or above 烈风或以上
- One night the winds raged, the clouds burst and a gale force storm capsized a fishing boat at sea. 有一天晚上风刮得很猛,阴云密布。突然,一阵大风浪袭来,掀翻了在海上作业的一条渔船。
- One night the winds raged,the clouds burst and a gale force storm capsized a fishing boat at sea. 有一天晚上风刮得很猛,阴云密布。突然,一阵大风浪袭来,掀翻了在海上作业的一条渔船。
- a gale force wind 一场大风级的风
- NW winds are expected to reach gale force or above, turning counterclockwise to SW gradually. 香港将普遍吹西北烈风(或更强),逐渐以反时针方向转为西南风。
- NE winds are expected to reach gale force or above, turning counterclockwise to SW gradually. 香港将普遍吹东北烈风(或更强),逐渐以反时针方向转为西南风。
- Winds are still strong in the territory with occasional gale force winds. Members of the public should stay alert. 本港部分地区仍吹强风,离岸及高地更间中吹烈风,市民应保持警觉。
- One night the winds raged,the clouds burst and a gale force storm capsized a fishing boat at sea.Stranded and in trouble, the crew sent out the S. O.S. 有一天晚上风刮得很猛,阴云密布。突然,一阵大风浪袭来,掀翻了在海上作业的一条渔船。船搁浅遇险后,船员立刻发出求救信号。
- I've gone through the TC report for Typhoon Koryn. The winds in the harbour was generally strong to gale force and very gusty. 89年的戈登最接近香港时距离是190公里;最接近澳门时距离是120公里;但足以令澳门挂9号风球;而香港只挂8号.
- It is expected that rain will become heavier overnight together with strong northeasterly winds, reaching gale force offshore. 预料今晚雨势将会变得较为频密,香港将普遍吹强风程度的东北风,离岸间中吹烈风。
- Warnings of gale force northwesterly winds with gusts exceeding 50 knots, turbulence and thunderstorms issued by the AMO were effective at the time of the accident. 机场气象所发出了有关西北烈风及阵风超过每小时50海里的警告。此外,湍流及雷暴警报亦正生效。
- Can synthetic aperture radars be used to estimate hurricane force winds? 合成孔径雷达能用来估计飓风作用力吗?
- This weekend, wind and rain are forecast to continue, with damaging gale force southwest winds of 110 to 140 kilometers per hour expected on Sunday. 这周,天气预报风力和雨量持续增强,预计星期天要刮具有破坏力的、时速110到140公里的西南大风。