- The one exception is found in rich galaxy clusters. 唯一的例外出现在星系丰富的星系团。
- They ballooned in size and ultimately became the galaxy clusters of today. 这些随机的起伏像吹气球般胀大,最终形成今日的星系团。
- Normal matter in galaxy clusters is mostly in the form of hot gas and stars. 星系群中的常态物质大概是由热气团和星团所组成的。
- Normal matter and galaxy cluster is mostly in the form of hot gas and stars. 正常物质和银河系主要在热气体和星星形式中。
- It shows that the KMM algorithm is effective in the investigation of the dynamical evolution of galaxy clusters. 实践表明,KMM算法在研究星系团动力学演化方面很有效。
- The principal of the KMM algorithm was presented and applied to a nearby pair of galaxy clusters A399/A401. 摘要介绍了KMM算法基本原理,并将此算法运用于近邻双星系团系统A399/A401。
- Additionally, the recent progress on substructures and dynamics of galaxy clusters is also briefly reviewed. 另外,本文还对近年来对星系团子结构及其动力学方面的研究进展进行了简要综述。
- Because these fluctuations are so faint, the team studied more than 700 galaxy clusters. 由于这些波动非常微弱,研究团队研究了700之多的星系群。
- This gas resides in the largest gravitationally bound structures, the massive galaxy clusters. 相对于此,第三类观测涉及完全相反的对象:位于宇宙相对近处的大质量浓稠气体团。
- This was not a surprise because XMM-Newton is sensitive enough to routinely find galaxy clusters at this distance. 这并不奇怪因为XMM-牛顿有足够的灵敏度在这样的距离上常规的发现星系群。
- The black hole is both responding to and influencing events on the scale of the entire galaxy cluster. 黑洞一方面被动地回应,一方面却主动影响了整个星系团尺度的事件。
- Several galaxy cluster surveys based on the Sunyaev-Zel' dovich effect (SZE) will detect numerous clusters in the near future. 摘要在不久的将来,若干基于SZ效应的巡天计划即将观测到大量的星系团。
- These theories propose that gravity is stronger with huge galaxy clusters than the theories of Isaac Newton or Albert Einstein would suggest. 这些理论建议巨大的星系团的重力比牛顿和爱因斯坦所提出的理论中所建议的要强大。
- This hampers the growth of massive galaxy clusters in more recent times, indicating that they must have formed earlier in the Universe. 这妨碍了大质量星系群在更近的时期内成长,暗示它们必定在宇宙得更早期形成。
- The large galaxy is the brightest member of the Centaurus galaxy cluster, some 150 million light-years away. 这个巨大的星系是距离我们1.;5亿光年远的人马座星系团中最亮的成员。
- At the estimated distance of the Perseus galaxy cluster, this field spans about 1.5 million light-years. 在英仙座星系群的估计距离上,这片区域覆盖大约1,500万光年。
- So I've decided to set you straight, by showing you a visual simulation (that I scavenged) of a pair of colliding galaxy clusters. 而且,通过两种不同的串并联设计,输出电流,电压及功率实现了明显的提升。
- Explanation: Bright lenticular galaxy M86 is near center of this cosmic view, at the heart of the Virgo Galaxy Cluster. 说明: 明亮的透镜状星系M86位于这张宇宙影像中央,在室女星系团的心脏地带。
- Like archaeologists unearthing the past, astronomers have used the new telescopes to excavate the relics present in galaxy clusters and piece together their history. 天文学家就像考古学者揭露过去一样,利用新的望远镜挖掘星系团里的遗迹,并拼凑出它们的历史。
- Patchiness during reionization should scatter some of the microwave photons, and hot areas of the IGM, such as galaxy clusters, should further distort the radiation. 再游离造成的局部团块应该会散射部分的微波光子,而IGM中的炽热区域(如星系团)应该会使背景辐射进一步扭曲。