- Both sides still stand to gain from trade in the aggregate. 总的来说,双方仍能从贸易中获得利益。
- If one country gains from trade, does its trading partner lose? 如果某个国家从贸易中获得了利益,它的贸易伙伴会受到损失吗?
- Any Economic Gains from Trading of Futures Itself? 期货交易本身能够产生经济收益吗?
- Two trading partners are both able to share in the gain from trade. 两个贸易伙伴就可以从贸易中都得到好处。
- His treatment of the transfer problem and of the gains from trade are both rigorous and classic. 他对转让问题和贸易收益的论述既严谨又具有权威性。
- The important matter of how the gains from trade are divided clearly hangs on what the new price will be. 贸易利益如何分配,这个重要问题显然取决于新的价格。
- When a high-cost importing country becomes an exporter, potential gains from trade are wasted. 当成本高的进口国成为出口国后,贸易的潜在利益也就被浪费了。
- What are the structures that may inhibit the gains from trade in theory and practice? 什么是结构,可能抑制贸易收益的理论和实践意义?
- Where these resources are highly specialized, the potential gains from trade are large. They justify instability and risk. 对资源高度单一化的地方,贸易中潜在的好处很大。这些好处证明贸易虽有不稳定性和风险,却是值得的。
- Argues that economies gain from trade by specialising in products where they have a comparative advantage. 他认为从贸易中获得的经济利益是通过使那些具有相对优势的产品专业化。
- All of the devices we have used to show the price and quantity effects of international trade can also be used to show what both sides gain from trade. 我们用来说明国际贸易的价格和数量影响的所有工具,也能用来反映贸易双方从贸易中获得的利益。
- Revolutionary change will only occur in the case of “gridlock” among competing organizations, which thwarts their ability to capture gains from trade. 革命性变化只发生在竞争组织间处于“僵局”的情形之下,这种情形阻碍了他们从贸易中获利的能力。
- Opportunities to gain from trading strategies as well as through asset allocation. 更多的交易机会同时整合资产的配置。
- As one of the most important theories of economics, the theory of comparative advantage reveals the cause of trade patterns and the source of gains from trade. 摘要作为经济学中最重要的理论之一,比较优势理论揭示了贸易模式的产生原因以及贸易利益的来源。
- Conventional wisdom is that the big challenge to trade comes from embittered workers, many of whom didn't enjoy much of the gain from trade in the good times. 人们传统上认为,贸易面临的一大挑战来自心存不满的工人,他们中有很多人并没有享受多少经济繁荣时期贸易增长所带来的好处。
- Update: Some commenters point out that sometimes the world does offer Pareto improvements, such as the gains from trade in a Ricardian trade model, and that these are free lunches. 更新:有评论指出,这个世界,有时确实存在怕累托改善,比如在李嘉图贸易模型中的贸易收益,这些就是免费的午餐。
- And, hardhearted though it may sound, most of the gains from trade and technology alike come from the way they redeploy investment and labour to activities that create more wealth. 而且,虽然听起来有些无情,但是多数获益于自由贸易和技术进步的人,都是把资本和劳动力转投到更加赚钱的业务中去的。
- We hope for some gain from our investment. 我们希望投资有利可图。
- We all gained from the experience. 我们都从这次经验中获益。
- Lack of the knowledge gained from experience. 缺乏经验知识缺乏由经验得来的知识