- Disconnect the gauge glasses or fit a blind flange between them. 拆开水位玻璃管或者在两者之间装上盖板。
- Have a glass of beer to rinse your dinner down. 喝杯啤酒把你吃的晚饭冲下去。
- Gauge glass illuminators, heating or cooling jackets, expansion loop, mica shield, non-frosting extensions, etc. shall be provided wherever process service requires. 应在任何工艺要求的地方配备玻璃液位计照明装置,加热或冷却夹套,扩充回路,云母屏蔽,非磨砂型加长杆等等。
- Flat tempered borosilicate glass, reflex or transparent type gauge glasses shall only be used when approved by SECCO. 经过热处理的硼硅酸盐平面玻璃、反射的或透明类型的玻璃液位计应只在赛科批准后使用。
- Poor Bill, all his things are at gage. 可怜的比尔,他所有的东西都当掉了。
- He looked through a pane of glass. 他从一块玻璃看过去。
- Does the lender require any gage for the loan? 贷方要求这笔贷款要有抵押品吗?
- The car bumped and his forehead hit the glass. 汽车颠簸了一下,他的前额撞到了玻璃上。
- The milk slopped over the rim of the glass. 牛奶溢到玻璃杯外面来了。
- This piece of glass seems to be part of a lamp. 这片玻璃似乎是一盏灯的一部分。
- Displacement and ball float liquid level instruments, gauge glasses and gauge glass pipe columns together with the connected piping shall be tested per Section 3.1 herein. 按本技术条件第3.;1条对浮筒式和浮子式液位仪表、玻璃液位计及玻璃液位计管柱及其连接管道进行试验。
- Swallow a glass of beer at one gulp. 一囗气喝下一杯啤酒。
- I cut my hand on some broken glass. 碎玻璃割伤了我的手。
- He dash the glass bowl to bit on a rock. 他对著石块把玻璃碗砸得粉碎。
- His reproachful gage speared into my heart. 他那谴责的目光直刺我的心。
- I ran up against a glass door and hurt my head. 我撞到一扇玻璃门上,把头撞伤了。
- He pours wine into a glass with a tall stalk. 他将酒倒入一只高脚玻璃杯中。
- Where greater coverage is required, multiple gauge glasses using either independent vessel connections or a standpipe shall be used. 在要求更大范围的地方,应使用利用独立导管连接或竖管的多层玻璃液位计。
- The glass hit him a glance blow on the forehead. 那玻璃从侧面击中他的额头。
- He thought it was time that he throw down the gage to his opponent. 他认为向对手挑战的时候到了。