- Gage pressure is a special case of differential pressure. 计示压力是差压力的一种特殊情况。
- Bell gages may be used to measure gage pressure or differential pressure. 浮钟式压力计可以用来测量计示压力或差压力。
- At this point the gauge pressure was read. 立即记录油压表读数。
- In order to size a stop-check the technical information needed is saturated steam gage pressure in pounds per square inch and actual required steam volume flow in pounds per hour. 为了正确选择自动阻断止回角阀的公称通径,首先需要一些技术数据:饱和蒸汽表压(每平方英寸多少磅)和所需要的、准确的蒸汽流量(每小时多少磅)。
- All gauge pressure indications should be equal, with no more than 25% leakage. 如果泄漏不超过25%25,所有的量表压力读数都应该是相等的。
- Open the Whitey valve (5056) and allow gas to flow into the burette, reducing the gauge pressure to 5 psi or less. 打开白色阀门(5056) 允许气体流进滴管,减少压力表到5 psi或者更少。
- Auxiliary boiler plant: Steam for use on site is produced by burning undesulphurised coke oven gas in three boilers, producing 18,000 kg/hour steam at 7 bar gauge pressure. 辅助锅炉装置: 现场用的蒸汽可以用未脱硫化氢的焦炉气为燃料,用三个锅炉制得,在7巴的表头压力下每小时可产生18,000公斤的蒸汽。
- Set signal pressure gauge pressure gauges, photoelectric sensors, electronic switches and circuit relay as one small, compact bodies, easy to use, safe and reliable. 电信号压力表集压力表、光电传感器、电子开关电路和小型继电器为一体,机构紧凑,使用方便,安全可靠。
- Poor Bill, all his things are at gage. 可怜的比尔,他所有的东西都当掉了。
- The back pressure needs to be absolute pressure controlled versus gauge pressure controlled to ensure analysis results are not affected by changes in barometric pressure. 译为:(这里控制的)背压应该为控制绝对压力,而不是控制表压,以确保分析结果不受大气压力变化的影响。
- Does the lender require any gage for the loan? 贷方要求这笔贷款要有抵押品吗?
- The ST 3000 series includes absolute-pressure, differential-pressure, gauge-pressure, flange-mount, high-temperature gauge and in-line gauge pressure transmitters. ST 3000系列包括绝对压强、压差、表压、凸缘架、高温表和内线表态传感器。
- He used a gage to check the fuel pressure. 他采用一种计量表检查燃油压力。
- His reproachful gage speared into my heart. 他那谴责的目光直刺我的心。
- The beer comes out of the barrel under pressure. 啤酒受到压力从桶中流出。
- Our pressure vessel is licensed product. 我厂生产的压力容器是授权生产产品。
- The Heavy Duty pressure gauges with capsule element are used to measure small positive negative gauge pressures in gaseous media. 膜盒压力表用于测量气体介质的正负微过压。
- He thought it was time that he throw down the gage to his opponent. 他认为向对手挑战的时候到了。
- Loss of pressure had not registered on the dials. 刻度盘未记录压力下降。
- Air pressure forces the water through the pipe. 空气压力使水通过管道。