- This network model can automatically produce fuzzy logic rules and adjust membership function through the EPSOM algorithm. 该模型通过BPSOM算法训练样本,能自动生成模糊逻辑规则,调节输入、输出变量的隶属函数;
- Dara mining method based on fuzzy logic rule 一种基于模糊逻辑规则的数据挖掘方法
- A novel fuzzy snake with automatic fuzzy logic rule bases generation using genetic algorithms 基于模糊规则自动获取的模糊主动轮廓模型
- fuzzy logic rules 模糊逻辑规则
- To accord with the basic logic rules. 符合基本的逻辑规则。
- FLC (Fuzzy Logic Control) was used to realize the charge method. 在充电方法的控制和实现上,设计了以模糊控制为主的控制方法。
- A method to simplify fuzzy logic system (FLS) structure was presented based on rule sensitivity. 摘要基于规则灵敏度给出了模糊逻辑系统结构简化的一种方法。
- Firstly, a initial fuzzy logic navigation system has been constructed by designing fuzzy rules and transcendent value of action. 通过设计模糊规则并确定动作先验值,完成初始模糊导航系统的构建。
- Effective fuzzy logic control is designed to do the input fuzzification,fuzzy reasoning rule base,output defuzzification. 根据规则库设计神经网络结构,简化网络结构和参数;
- A novel fuzzy logic control scheme for the TORA system is developed based on genetic algorithm and the single input rule modules. 针对平移振荡器系统(TORA)设计了一种基于遗传算法及单输入规则模块的模糊控制方法。
- Genetic algorithm is introduced into SLF to learning a set of fuzzy rules, which then is applied to evaluate scores of small areas using fuzzy logic technology. 该模型采用模糊推理计算每个小区适于发展各类负荷的程度,根据推理结果运用运输模型来分配各小区内各类负荷的增长。
- In fuzzy logic,normal residuated based logic systems play avery important role. 在模糊逻辑中;基于剩余格的逻辑系统起着非常重要的作用.
- This paper briefs the application actuality of fuzzy logic in food industry. 简单介绍了模糊数学在食品行业中的应用现状。
- We scored "0" and "1" to every tested according to the criterion of whether the answer conformed to the logic rules. 我们按是否符合逻辑规则这一标准来给被试对每一问题的反映按0,1两级记分,如被试的判断正确,记1分;
- The next section describes the mathematics that goes into the computer implementation of such fuzzy logic statements. 下节将描述这种模糊逻辑语句的计算机实现所需要的数学基础。
- In this paper, the initial stage in application of fuzzy logic to aircraft high-angle-of attack aerodynamics using wind tunnel test data is outlined. 本文概述最初阶段利用风洞试验数据应用模糊逻辑研究飞机大攻角空气动力学的情况。
- Hyphenation logic: A program of logical rules to break words for hyphenation. 分字逻辑: 应用于英文的逻辑分字规则的程式。
- Since Zadeh, who was the professor of University of California in America, founded fuzzy theory in 1965,fuzzy control develops quickly because fuzzy logic provides a method based on language rules and reasoning. 自从1965年美国加利福尼亚大学的查德教授创建模糊理论以来,模糊控制得以广泛发展并在现实中得以应用。
- This paper presents the application of fuzzy logic control with a caterpillar track robot. 介绍了模糊控制在履带式行走机器人实时控制中的应用。
- Intuitive thinking is a form of thinking which directly grasp the essence of things, but not bound by a fixed logic rule. 直觉思维是指不受某种固定的逻辑规则约束而直接领悟事物本质的一种思维形式。