- fuzzy identity functions 模糊恒等函数
- fuzzy identity function 模糊恒等函数
- It is more flexible than the IDENTITY function, because it is a separate object in your database. 该函数比IDENTITY函数更灵活,因为它是数据库中的一个独立对象。
- The IDENTITY function is a good solution for a surrogate key function in most cases. IDENTITY函数在大多数情况下是代理键函数的一个好的解决方案。
- Since the identity element of a monoid is unique, one can alternately define the identity function on M to be this identity element. 因为么半群的单位元是唯一的,可以以M上的单位元来替代其恒等函数的定义。
- Now consider the case of a half-cycle shift A between the identical functions. 现在考察一下在两个相同函数之间移1/2周期A的情况。
- Note that this mapping does not represent identical functionality. 注意,此映射不表示具有相同的功能。
- Some programmers use identical function names to mean very different things, or define operators whose semantics are not clearly derived from their conventional meanings. 一些程序员使用独具个性化的函数名却用来做了不相干的事情,或者定义了与其约定俗成的本意并不相关操作符。
- There is no clue to the identity of the thief. 没有确定窃贼身分的线索。
- Results: The agents of dyers woad leaf immersed with alcohol and yers woad leaf granule have identical function in relieve fever, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity. 结果:大青叶醇沉物的解热、抗炎及抗菌作用与同剂量大青叶颗粒剂前浸膏相同,其靛蓝含量高于大青叶颗粒剂前浸膏。
- The cheque will be cashed on proof of identity. 这张支票凭身分证件兑现。
- The police asked him to show his identity card. 警察让他出示身份证。
- Identity of interests is the bond that unites them. 利害的一致是把他们联合起来的纽带。
- A soft or fuzzy surface on fabric or leather. 绒毛织物或皮革上的柔软或绒毛状的表面
- He wears an identity disc round his neck. 他脖子上挂著身分牌儿。
- A credit card is not a valid proof of identity. 银行发的支票保付卡不是有效的身份证明文件。
- I tied it with fuzzy white yarn, and admired my work. 我用毛茸茸的白纱线把它系好,欣赏着我的杰作。
- The minister has to attend all kinds of functions. 部长必须参加各种集会。
- The Brainstorm tool and the Message Board tool have identical functionality but it is best to use a Brainstorm when gathering ideas. “头脑风暴”工具和“留言板”工具的功能相同,但在搜集想法时最好使用“头脑风暴”。
- Both tools provide nearly identical functionality, allowing you to create, delete, secure, and modify items in the same report server folder hierarchy. 这两种工具的功能几乎完全相同,都允许您创建、删除、保护和修改同一报表服务器文件夹层次结构中的项。