- fuzzy equivalence class 模糊等价关系
- However, fuzzy equivalence relations provide a way to layer and granulate object space. 这些约简降低了模糊特征空间的维数,避免了冗余规则,降低了模糊规则推理的复杂性。
- Ineither case, however, fuzzy equivalence serves as the uttermost goal, which can beachieved through various strategies like literal, transposing,restuting strateegies, etc. 但是无论哪一类模糊语言的翻译,都把模糊等值作为最根本的目的。这一目的可通过采用直译、转移、淡化等多种手段而达到。
- Once again we use a word to denote its equivalence class and write equality to express equivalence. 我们再一次用一个字来表示它所在的等价类,并用等号表示等价。
- Introducing the fuzzy cluster analysis, a corresponding fuzzy equivalence matrix is obtained over the fuzzy similitude matrix by computing the transferred package. 由此,计算出各图像类的模糊相似系数矩阵,再运用聚类分析法将其改造成为模糊等价矩阵,划分出图像等价类,进而实现对目标图像的识别;
- An equivalence class or equivalence partition is a set of test cases that tests the same thing or reveals the same bug. 等价类划分可以在测试质量得到保证的同时大大减少测试用例的数量。等价类的定义是
- An upper bound for a type of equivalence class sequences was obtained, and for a conjecture about weighted sequences arosed by A. 第五章主要处理了有限循环群上的两个零和问题;即最小零和序列的等价类和加权和问题。 作者就一类特殊的等价类序列给出了序列长度的一个上界;另外对于A.
- Consider the graphing package line weight equivalence class of choosing the standard weight when the current weight is an alternate weight. 输入或输出字符串时,输入值在尺寸界限之内,超出尺寸界限和空的字符串;
- To Score Fuzzy Sets by Using Equivalence Class Fuzzy Points 用等价类模糊点对模糊集合进行刻划
- For example, a reasonably trained, reasonably motivated programmer can do a perfectly fine job finding boundary conditions and checking whether each known equivalence class is handled. 例如,一个接受过一定培训、有一定积极性的程序员可以很好地找到边界条件,并且检查每一个等价类是否都处理了。
- clynamic fuzzy equivalence relation 动态模糊等价关系
- Intuitionistic fuzzy equivalence matrix 直觉模糊等价矩阵
- Every group can be partitioned into equivalence classes called conjugacy classes. 所有群都可以划分成叫做共轭类的等价类。
- Aiming at the problems of clustering for the data of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, a clustering method based on the intuitionistic fuzzy equivalent dissimilarity matrix was proposed. 针对直觉模糊集合数据的聚类问题,提出了一种基于直觉模糊等价相异矩阵的聚类方法。
- In particular, we prove that there are only finitely many equivalence classes for twisted conjugate actions for semisimple Lie groups. 特别地,我们证明了连通半单李群的扭共轭作用只有有限多个等价类。
- Boundary value coverage: The percentage of boundary values of the component's equivalence classes which have been exercised by a test case suite. 边界值覆盖:被一组测试用例覆盖到的被测组件等价类的边界值占所有边界值的百分比。
- As of release JDK 5, this class has been supplemented with an equivalent class designed for use by a single thread, StringBuilder. 以上只是我对这两个类的一点点理解,希望各位有补充的尽量提出来,不胜感激。
- The model of rough sets under intuitionistic fuzzy equivalant relation is systemically investigated,the definition of positive field,the depend-degree and nodepend-degree and so forth are given. 描述了直觉模糊相似关系下粗糙集的模型,并在此基础之上重新定义了正域、依赖度与非依赖度、确定性因子与非确定性因子等概念。
- Boundary value: An input value or output value which is on the boundary between equivalence classes, or an incremental distance either side of the boundary. 边界值:位于两个等价类之间的输入或输出值,或者边界附近的值。
- Using the Equivalence Class to Make the Automaton 利用等价类构造有限状态自动机