- fuzzy comprehensive evoluation 模糊综合评判
- Methods Based on the, autoptical result, apply the fuzzy theory and multi-grade fuzzy comprehensive appraisement means. 方法依据实地调查资料,运用模糊数学的理论与多级模糊综合评价方法。
- It applies the theory of system engineering and gives a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method of APTS and an application example. 在研究中应用系统工程理论提出了先进的公共交通系统的模糊综合评价方法,并给出了评价示例。
- Part IV. The paper raises a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on performance evaluation of listed companies (FCE). 第四部分 提出了上市公司经营业绩评价的模糊综合评价法。
- The proce-dure of fuzzy comprehensive judgment is given and its ap-plied conditio... 给出模糊综合评判方法步骤,并以实例说明其应用情况。
- It has adopted the fuzzy comprehensive appraisal method to achieve solution to the mod... 结合选择一个面向绿色制造的齿轮滚刀的例子,对该决策模型的应用和求解进行了说明。
- Fuzzy comprehensive analysis theory in fuzzy mathematics is used and evaluation indexs of measures and devel... 这里引用模糊数学中模糊综合评判方法,构成了措施效果评价指标和评价措施效果的模糊综合排序方法。
- The material cutability is described and evaluated with a target system and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. 试图用指标体系来描述和评价材料的切削加工性。
- The Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation was adopted to obtain the quantitated comprehensive evaluation results. 运用模糊综合评价的方法得到量化的综合评价结果。
- The fuzzy comprehensive appraisal of water environment in Fuxin region is made by this method. 本文采用此种方法对阜新地区水环境质量进行了模糊综合评价。
- Methods Based on the autoptical result, apply the fuzzy theory and multi-grade fuzzy comprehensive appraisement means. 方法依据实地调查资料,运用模糊数学的理论与多级模糊综合评价方法。
- Abstract: Artillery position appraisal model, based on AFS fuzzy comprehensive judgment. 摘要:炮阵地评估模型,基于AFS模糊综合评判法。
- The results of fuzzy comprehensive judgment coincided with actual performances of these varieties. 模糊综合评判的分析结果与品种的实际表现相一致。
- A fuzzy comprehensive evaluation sy stem for the customer satisfaction i ndex has been established by means of the fuzzy mathematics method. 应用模糊数学方法建立了商业企业顾客满意度模糊综合评价系统。
- The performance of logistics center is evaluated by fuzzy comprehensive appraisal in TPL-LC model about Kunming Railway Bureau freight transportation. 运用模糊综合评价法,评价了昆明铁路局货运TPL-LC模式物流中心的绩效。
- Chapter 2 introduced TN methodology system including DEMATEL, concordance analysis, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and the analytic hierarchy process. 第二章论述了将因素识别与分析评价DEMATEL模型、协调分析模型、层次分析AHP模型等综合集成于一体的TN法体系,初步提出了多目标变权协调分析的数学模型,探讨了TN法在吉林省软件产业发展问题中的应用。
- The chapter V inducted FCE on the basis of AHP and set up a multi-grade fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model for Network Communication System. 第五章在层次分析法的基础之上,引入模糊综合评判的方法,建立了一个针对网络通信系统风险的多级模糊综合评估模型。
- In Part 2, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation (FCE) is introduced including the way of evaluation and the definitions of membership function and weight. 第二部分简要介绍了模糊综合评判法,主要包括评判思路、隶属函数以及权重的确定方法。
- Herein, especially by Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation (FCE), the thesis makes further particular analysis of SDXY's financial conditions. 其中特别运用模糊综合评价法(FCE法)对企业人力资源状况进行分析。
- This paper constructs evaluation index system and evaluation module by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation(FCE). 首先是在前面研究结论的基础之上构建了评价指标体系,然后运用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法构建了评价模型。