- fuzzy adaptive theory 模糊自适应
- A fuzzy adaptive control method is proposed for a flexible robot manipulator. 摘要提出了一种用于柔性机器人操作臂控制的模糊自适应控制策略。
- The result of simulation shows that the designed fuzzy adaptive controller and sliding mode controller are effective. 仿真研究均说明了所设计的模糊自适应控制算法和变结构控制算法的有效性。
- A fuzzy adaptive watermarking algorithm of color image based on discrete cosine transform(DCT)domain was proposed. 提出了一种基于离散余弦变换(DCT)域的模糊自适应彩色图像水印算法。
- fuzzy adaptive resonance theory neural network 模糊自适应共振理论神经网络
- A wide-area measurement system(WAMS)based fuzzy adaptive coordinative damping controller is developed for multi-infeed HVDC system. 提出一种基于广域测量系统的多馈入高压直流(HVDC)模糊自适应协调阻尼控制器。
- It is proved that model reference fuzzy adaptive controller is a controller satisfiable to the control of oil pump loading system. 从控制效果来看,所设计的控制器基本能满足抽油机加载系统的控制要求,对抽油机加载系统的控制是比较合适的解决方案。
- Experimental result shows that the glue dosing process of MDF is stable and reliable when controlled by the fuzzy adaptive control method. 试验表明:模糊自适应控制策略实现了MDF施胶过程中的稳定、可靠控制。
- By the harmonic detection method based on the neuron adaptive theory, a harmonic detection system is developed with TMS320LF2407. 基于神经元自适应理论的谐波检测方法,利用TMS320LF2407进行谐波检测系统开发;
- In addition, this article analyzes the feasibility and way of applying the fuzzy adaptive PID control strategy on PCC platform. 此外,本文还对模糊自适应PID控制策略在PCC上的可实现性以及实现方式进行了分析。
- An improved fuzzy adaptive PID algorithm (IFPID) is thus proposed, using PSO algorithm to optimize the preprocessed membership function. 针对这种情况,提出改进的模糊自适应PID控制算法(IFPID),利用微粒群算法对经过预处理的隶属度函数进行优化。
- In order to solve the premature convergence problem of particle swarm optimization,a novel fuzzy adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization based on T-S model(T-SPSO) is presented. 摘要 针对微粒群优化算法存在的早熟问题,提出了一种基于T-S模型的模糊自适应PSO算法(T-SPSO算法)。
- In conclusion, adaptation theory plays a quite important role in translation. 总之,顺应理论对翻译有着相当重要的指导作用。
- Fuzzy Adaptive Genetic Algorithm(FAGA) is a new evolutionary algorithm which applies the Fuzzy Controller(FC) to the performance and parameter control of genetic algorithm. 摘要 模糊自适应遗传算法是将模糊控制器应用于遗传算法性能和参数控制的一种新型进化算法。
- Aiming at the status difference in the glue applying process of MDF resulted from the multiplicity of production, a fuzzy adaptive control method was proposed. 摘要针对中密度纤维板(MDF)生产多样化所带来的施胶系统特性状态差异,提出了MDF施胶过程的模糊自适应控制方法。
- Through designing and implementing the fuzzy adaptive control system FAC in aflling process, this paper approaches the problems of intelligent control with constraint for milling force. 本文通过设计并实现一个铣削力模糊自适应控制系统FAC探讨了铣削过程的约束型智能控制问题。
- According to the requirement of smelting process for electrode control system, a fuzzy adaptive PID controller is presented and has been applied to practical control of electrode successfully. 本文针对冶炼工艺对电极控制系统的要求,提出了一种模糊自适应PID控制方法,并成功地应用于电极的实际控制。
- The simulation results show the fuzzy adaptive speed controller has more high performance than the traditional indirect model reference adaptive controller and the track of parameters is also fast and exactness. 仿真结果表明:较传统的模型参考自适应控制,模糊自适应控制的PMSM调速系统有更好的控制性能,参数跟踪快速精确。
- In view of the application of INS/GPS/CNS integrated navigation system, the paper presented an information fusion technology using fuzzy adaptive algorithm based on existing methods. 以INS/GPS/CNS组合导航系统为应用背景,在现有方法的基础上,提出了一种新的模糊自适应的组合导航系统信息融合算法。
- The theory module they choose including Source model theory, Elaboration likelihood mode, Associative learning theory, Social adaptation theory etc. 在对明星代言现象进行研究时,学者们所采用的理论基础有来源模式理论、联合性加工理论、精细加工可能性理论、社会适应理论等。