- future goods transaction 期货交易
- Before this season conclusion, the bibby will become the very good transaction chip. 在本赛季结束之前,毕比都将成为很好的交易筹码。
- These are goods that are unidentified at the date of formation of the contract and may or may not be future goods. 未确定物是合同订立时未确定的货物,可以是也可以不是未来物。
- Where by a contract of sale the seller purports to effect a present sale of future goods, the contract operates as an agreement to sell the goods. 依照买卖合同,如果卖方意在实现期货的当前买卖,该合同仍按照货物出售协定实行。
- For unascertained or future goods, property in the goods will not pass to the buyer untill the goods become ascertained. 对于不确定物或未来物,在货物变为确定物以前,财产权不发生转移。
- Often Hope The theological virtue defined as the desire and search for a future good, difficult but not impossible to attain with God's help. 常作Hope神学美德:神学美德,指对于来世幸福的渴望及寻求,虽然艰难,但是,上帝的帮助使它的获得成为可能。
- The theological virtue defined as the desire and search for a future good,difficult but not impossible to attain with God's help. 神学美德神学美德,指对于来世幸福的渴望及寻求,虽然艰难,但是,上帝的帮助使它的获得成为可能
- On his arrival at Rome he chanced upon an innkeeper who was reading the Life of the emperor Hadrian at that very time.This he seized upon as an omen of future good fortune. 当他到达罗马时,他恰好遇见个旅店老板正在诵读哈德良皇帝传,他将这事作为未来好运的征兆。
- Her sublimate future husband will be tall, dark, and handsome. 她理想化的未来丈夫将是身材高大,皮肤浅黑,相貌英俊。
- The cod was salted away for future use. 鳕鱼已用盐腌起留着日后吃。
- How the Price of Future Transaction be Found? 期货的价格是如何被发现的?
- Do you really care nothing about your future? 你真的一点也不关心你的将来?
- She seems quite clear about her future curricula. 她对自己未来要学的课程看来很有把握。
- A hopeless future seemed to spread out before her. 展现在她面前的似乎是毫无希望的前途。
- Everything points to a bright future for us all. 种种迹象表明我们都有光明的前途。
- I promise I'll keep it down in the future. 我保证今后一定把音量放低。
- She unfolded to him her plans for the future. 她向他公开了她未来的计划。
- The company set this sum by for future use. 公司把这笔款留作将来之用。
- He's already mapped out his whole future career. 他对自己未来的事业有了周详的计划。
- For future transaction we are pleased to grant you credit facilities, and shall submit a quarterly statement. 为了将来处理方便起见,我们确认贵公司信用,并乐于给你方提供按季结算。