- Is inclusive education the future direction of special education? 究竟融合教育是否特殊教育的未来路向?
- Zeiss measuring machine and are looking to the future direction of development. 蔡司及其测量机都是着眼于未来的方向而发展。
- The bioabsorbable coronary stent is the future direction of stent development. 所以,新型冠状血管内生物可吸收支架是未来支架的发展方向,是目前冠心病介入治疗最前沿的课题。
- Section 5 gives the conclusions and future directions of research. 第5节给出结论,并探讨了未来的研究方向。
- The original innovation often determines the future direction of a certain domain in basic research. 摘要基础研究源头创新往往决定某一研究方向的未来走向,其影响深远,耗时长久。
- Beijing property market why there are unsalable condition, how its future direction has become a hot topic of concern. 北京楼市为何出现滞销状态,其今后的走向如何已成为人们关注的一大热点。
- Pray for wisdom as we decide on the future direction of ministry for the Lighthouse. 求主赏赐我们智慧如何决定灯塔事工未来的方向。
- On this basis, to put up with some problems in suicide researches and the future direction. 在此基础上,指出中学生自杀研究领域中存在的问题和未来的研究方向。
- Mapping Your Future Directions: "What am I trying to achieve? 规划你的未来发展方向:“我要达到什么?
- Future directions of tendon reconstruction are also discussed. 未来肌腱重建的方向也作了讨论。
- Future Directions for STM Publishing: Evolution or Revolution? 出版的未来方向:进化或革命?
- The Conference Board, a major business groups, publishes this measure to estimate the future direction of the economy. 会议委员会,一个主要企业集团,公布这项措施预测未来经济的发展方向。
- In this paper, the current state and future direction of Eulerian transport and transformation models are discussed. 主要介绍了国内外的欧拉型酸性污染物输送转化模式,并就模式的发展方向进行了讨论。
- Lignite, iron ore, diatomite, etc. will be the future direction of the transition. 褐煤、铁矿、硅藻土等将是今后的转型方向。
- The general areas of payment, summed up its current payment status, impact and future direction of reform or proposals. 对一般地区的支付方式,归纳其当前的支付方式现状、影响及未来改革方向或建议。
- In conclusion tends calm, Nanshan property should calmly reflect on the future direction of development. 在喧闹趋于平静之后,应该冷静地思考南山楼市未来的发展方向。
- The current status and future direction of application of MOCVD in nano and other areas are reviewed. 论述了MOCVD法在纳米领域和其他方面的应用以及其发展前景。
- As you peruse the results, notice how they reflect the IT world in its current form and its future direction. 在看到本文答案的同时,也请注意到这结果反映的也是当今IT的局势及其未来走向。
- Criticisms and arguments over several problematic issues are also specified, which might cast some light on the future direction of research. 希冀未来研究,能进一步提供相关实证厘清这些疑义。
- In particular, how recent archaeological finds have transformed our present understanding and future direction of the field. 近来考古发现如何影响了目前的理解和对未来方向的定位。