- fusiform megalourethra 棱状巨尿道
- Ovary fusiform, long rostellate.Capsule unknown. 子房纺锤形,具长喙。
- Taproot long-conic, rarely fusiform. 直根长圆锥形,很少纺锤形。
- Ovary fusiform, ca. 3 mm, rostellate. 纺锤形的子房,约3毫米,具小喙。
- Capsule fusiform, dehiscent at apex. 蒴果纺锤形,在先端开裂。
- Capsule striate, fusiform, ca. 1.4 cm. 具条纹的蒴果,纺锤形,约1.;4厘米。
- Ovary erect, fusiform, ca. 2.2 mm. 子房直立,纺锤形,约2.;2毫米。
- Capsule fusiform, cylindric or oblong, scaly, often hairy. 蒴果纺锤形,圆筒状的或长圆形,有鳞,通常有毛。
- Caudex carrot-shaped or fusiform, ca. 7 cm, to 1.5 cm in diam. 块根胡萝卜形或者纺锤形,大约7厘米,令1.;5厘米直径。
- Taproot cylindric or fusiform, stout, slightly fleshy. 直根圆筒状或者纺锤形,粗壮,稍肉质。
- Capsule 2-valved or fusiform, leathery, loculicidally dehiscent. 蒴果2瓣裂或者纺锤形,革质,室背开裂。
- Tap root fusiform, 10-20 cm long, 1-4 cm in diameter. 主根纺锤形,长10-20厘米,直径1.;4厘米。
- Herbs, often with fusiform tuberous roots, monoecious. 草本,经常具块茎状根,雌雄同株。
- It is further helpful to classify aneurysms into saccular and fusiform. 更为实用的是把动脉瘤分成囊形和梭形两类。
- Herbs perennial.Roots robust, lower parts often enlarged and fusiform. 多年生草本粗壮的根,下半部分通常扩大和纺锤形。
- Results Cultured RPE cells gradually presented transparent and fusiform shape. 免疫荧光法检测RPE细胞内特异的角蛋白,结果阳性。
- Root purple-red, tuberlike, fusiform to globose. Leaf veins purple-red. 根紫红色,管状,纺锤形的到球形。叶脉紫红色。
- Seeds very numerous, fusiform, with long, narrow wings at both ends. 非常多,纺锤形的种子,具长,狭窄翅在两末端。
- The DCX-positive cells have the fusiform somata with a single leading process. DCX免疫阳性细胞在形态上均呈梭形的胞体和单个的前导突起。
- Style filiform;pistil head narrowly oblong or fusiform, apex shortly 2-cleft. 花柱丝状短的雌蕊头状花序狭长圆形或者纺锤形,先端2半裂。