- He forbear from take any further action. 他克制自己不采取任何进一步的行动。
- We have decided to take no further action. 我们决定不采取进一步行动。
- The company resolved to take further action against the thieves. 公司决定采取进一步的防盗措施。
- If the person who wrote this owns up I shall take on further action. 如果写这个的人能承认,我将不会作进一步的追究。
- The amendments handcuffed the committee and prevented further action. 修正案限制了委员会的作用并使其不能再有所作为。
- The government is considering further action to keep the dollar from falling in value. 政府正虑进一步采取措施以遏制美元的贬值。
- Having said so,I have my doubts as to whether my peers will take any further action in the absence of the watchful eye. 另一方面,就算没有政府的密切监督,我也怀疑和我同一代的人,会有什么惊人之举。
- A writ authorizing the further detention of a person in custody,pending further action. 继续拘留状继续拘留某人等待进一步审理的文书。
- The British government is considering further action to keep the pound from falling in value. 英国的政府正在考虑采取进一步的措施,来制止英镑贬值。
- Mad cow disease has spread through the village so a further action should be taken immediately. 疯牛病已经在村里蔓延开了,所以必须马上采取进一步的行动。
- Indicates that the host object is up to date, and that no further action is necessary. 指示该宿主对象是最新的,没有必要执行进一步的操作。
- The first insures hitting the mark; the second keeps the balance required for further action. 前者保证击中要害;后者保持进一步行动的平衡。
- If the Court of Appeal decided in favour of the applicant, no further action was required from the Council. 假如上诉法庭判决申请人得直,法援局毋须采取进一步行动。
- If this succeeds, no further action is required, with the exception of normal testing. 如果该操作成功,则不需要执行进一步的操作,但必须进行常规测试。
- The government is considering further action to keep the pound from falling in value. 政府正在考虑采取进一步行动以阻止英镑贬值。
- A writ authorizing the further detention of a person in custody, pending further action. 继续拘留状继续拘留某人等待进一步审理的文书
- Having said so, I have my doubts as to whether my peers will take any further action in the absence of the watchful eye. 另一方面,就算没有政府的密切监督,我也怀疑和我同一代的人,会有什么惊人之举。
- On the day the crime bill passed, the Senate recessed for two weeks with no further action on health care. 打击犯罪法案通过的当天,参议院开始休会两周,对医疗改革法案没有采取进一步的行动。
- Your Curriculum Vitae is under consideration, and we will advise you of further action within two weeks. 你的简历正在审核过程中, 我们将会在两周之内答复您下一步骤。
- Investigate late charges and skippers. All details should be forwarded to the Credit Manager for further action. 调查追收帐款和漏帐,并将所有的明细及时地提供给信贷经理,便于以后的操作。