- The Choice of Securities Investment Fund Management Company: Dual Consignation Agent and Integration Governance. 证券投资基金管理公司的双重委托代理关系与综合治理选择。
- All currency exchanges are carried out by fund management company specified institutions. 所有货币外汇均透过基金管理公司的指定机构进行。
- According to Xinhuanet reports, a 26-year-old Grace fund management company in Shanghai. 据新华网报道,26岁的张洁在上海一家基金管理公司工作。
- Zhi-based venture capital is the Acer Group, a wholly-owned high-tech venture capital fund management company. 智基创投是宏碁集团全资拥有的高科技风险投资基金管理公司。
- The organization of investment fund includes four parties investor, fund management company custodian and underwriter. 投资基金的组织结构是由四个当事人基金投资人、基金管理人、基金托管人和基金承销人组成。
- This situation makes the conflicts, from fund controller and non-controller, to holder and administrator, focusing on fund management company. 多种身份的存在,使的基金管理公司集基金控制性持有人与非控制性持有人之间的利益冲突,持有人与管理人之间的利益冲突与一身。
- Taida He Silver Fund Management Company Limited Update Taida He silver Optimization stock-market value of the securities investment fund prospectuses. 泰达荷银基金管理有限公司更新泰达荷银市值优选股票型证券投资基金招募说明书。
- No directors of any fund management company may hold any post in any fund trusteeship bank or any other fund management company. 基金管理公司董事不得担任基金托管银行或者其他基金管理公司的任何职务。
- Fortis Fund Management Company Limited-an increase of the yuan Fortis Securities Co., Ltd. for the sound Tim Lee Hoi-type securities investment funds, bond sales agency bodies. 海富通基金管理有限公司增加国元证券股份有限公司为海富通稳健添利债券型证券投资基金的代销机构。
- A branch of a fund management company may undertake the development of fund varieties, fund sale, and other business activities authorized by the company. 基金管理公司分支机构可以从事基金品种开发、基金销售及公司授权的其他业务活动。
- Yi Fangda the fund management company announced today that in Yi Fangda the small dish fund starts from September 19 to handle daily Shen Gouhe to redeem the service. 易方达基金管理公司今日公告,易方达中小盘基金自9月19日起开始办理日常申购和赎回业务。
- Robert is a fund manager of an international asset management company, who manages the provident. 罗拔是一间国际资产管理公司的基金经理,负责管理多个大机构的公积金。
- Securities companies operating under the Ministry of 18, 11 Services, and Soochow holding fund management companies, futures brokers Soochow Limited (chip). 公司下属证券营业部18家,服务部11家,并控股东吴基金管理公司、东吴期货经纪有限公司(筹)。
- Based on relevant laws and regulations, fund management companies set up branches initially by the China Securities Regulatory Commission is responsible for vetting. 依据相关法规,基金管理公司设立分支机构最初由中国证监会负责审核。
- Article 7 The domestic shareholders of a foreign-shared fund management company shall have the qualificatio as shareholders of fund management companies as provided for by the CSRC. (四)中国证监会规定的其他审慎性条件。
- When markets are hot, fund manager companies tend to market funds aggressively, especially ones with hot concepts. 当市场景气时,基金管理公司倾向于大胆的资金运作,特别是在一个与热概念相关的市场上。
- The article details the governance structure of funds, operation of funds, and management of fund management companies and finds out the institutional inducement that leads to the continuing dishonest investment in China. 本文章详细地分析了我国基金治理结构和基金管理公司管理机制上的问题,找出了中国基金累次违规、害基金持有人利益的制度诱因。
- A (reporter Wu) as the first 61 fund companies, 8 of the Department of bank funds, to increase the people's livelihood Bank fund management companies in Shenzhen yesterday's opening. 本报讯(记者吴敏)作为国内第61家基金公司、第8家银行系基金,民生加银基金管理公司昨日在深圳开业。
- The person in charge said that so far, China has 61 fund management companies, has set up more than 90 branches, mainly branch, as well as some financial centers, mainly engaged in fund sales. 这位负责人介绍说,截至目前,我国有61家基金管理公司,共设立了90多家分支机构,主要是分公司,也有部分理财中心,主要从事基金销售业务。
- Legend Hony Investment Holdings Limited is a subsidiary of one of its five, specializing in mergers and acquisitions and investment management business, a fund management companies. 弘毅投资是联想控股有限公司旗下五个子公司之一,专事并购投资及管理业务,属基金管理型公司。