- To establish the forestry fund system. 建立林业基金制度
- "The current economic climate shows the futility of our funding system for higher education," he adds. 他补充说:“目前的经济环境显示出英国高等教育的资金制度毫无价值。”
- The system regarding the issue of Hong Kong currency and the reserve fund system shall be prescribed by law. 港币的发行制度和准备金制度,由法律规定。
- An obvious sign of this is the housing accumulation fund system starting to be commonly established. 明显的标志是,住房公积金制度开始普遍建立。
- By a comparison between pay-as-you-go system and full funding system, it is concluded that full funding system is better for making a full use of "Population Dividen". 通过对现收现付制与完全积累制进行分析比较,认为建立以完全积累制为主体的三支柱养老保险体系,将更有助于充分挖掘和延长“人口红利”。
- Therefore, the establishment of housing accumulation fund system is the bounden duty of the people's governments. 因此,建立住房公积金制度,是人民政府的应尽职责。
- Thus, the housing provident fund system reform routing become an issue that deserves examination. 于是,住房公积金制度改革的路径选择成为了一个值得研究的问题。
- China's housing accumulation fund system from the early nineties of the last century the establishment of housing system reform is one of the measures. 我国的住房公积金制度从上世纪九十年代初开始建立,是住房制度改革的措施之一。
- Fach, Dirk; Friendrich, Klaus; Piazolo,1997,“Mare Pension Fund System in the World”,Dresdner Bank, Frankfurt/Main,p.39. (古伯恩,在立法院举办退休金制度发展座谈会中,作专题演讲。)
- The double commission among the three of caretaker , mandator of investor , fund - agent relation exists in the trust fund system of real estate investment. 房地产投资信托基金制度中存在着投资人、基金管理人、托管人三者之间的双重委托-代理关系。
- Accumulation fund system should build function of coadjutant " of " acting border, let old relatively the young group that good-paying group helps urgent need housing. 公积金制度应该建立"代际互助"功能,让年长的较高收入群体帮助迫切需要住房的年轻群体。
- In the past decade, though housing provident fund system contribute a lot, it still remain some problems such as inadequate justice of the current system. 十多年来,住房公积金制度为我国住房改革做出了颇多贡献,但也存在不足,主要是该制度的设计对社会保障责任引起的公平性问题未给予足够重视。
- Q: China plans to issue 270 billion yuan worth of special state treasury bonds to supplement the capital of state-owned commercial banks. Does this have anything to do with the reform of the central bank's reserve fund system? 问:中国要发行2700亿元特别国债以补充国有商业银行的资本金,这与中央银行的准备金制度改革有无关系?
- TV Animation Funding System in Canada 电视动画片的融资体系
- funding system for scientific research projects 科研基金制
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- Standard care is evidence-based care which is cost-effective in most nations with a well developed service base, and with health-care funding systems consuming a signi? cant part of national wealth. 标准治疗在大多数有较好的医疗服务基础,医疗投资占据国家财政支出很重要部分的国家适用。其产生基于循证医学的结果并具有较好的性价比。
- She contributed to the fund with an open heart. 她向基金会捐款,慷慨解囊。
- Do you know how to log in to the system? 你知道怎么登录进入这个系统吗?