- With a rapid increase in income, people have larger fund sources to employ. 随着居民收入的迅速增长,居民手中的钱袋子越来越鼓了。
- Debt issuance is the mainstay of the HKMC's funding sources. 发行债券是按揭证券公司主要的集资渠道。
- With this working relationship, U.N.WORLD FORTUNE INV. &FINANCE CONSORTIUM LIMITED is able to tap good fund sources for investment in mega projects in China and Asia Pacific. 联合国世界财富投金财团也因此发挥作用,可以提供可靠的资金为中国和亚太地区的重点项目和工程投资了!
- Secondly, the organizational form, fund source and withdrawing mechanism of Chinese IIF are discussed based on Chinese reality. 然后,结合中国的实际情况,分析了中国产业投资基金应采取的组织形式、资金来源与退出机制。
- To enhance image building, marketing, alumni development, and development of external funding sources. 加强形象建立、市务推广、校友联系,和外来资源的开拓。
- Now, with home prices faltering and funding sources scarce, Mr.Schubert says, 'this game is over. 舒伯特称,如今房价上涨受阻,同时资金来源日渐匮乏,游戏也该结束了。
- In truth, banks need to have a diverse set of funding sources and maturities, whether wholesale or retail. 确实,银行需要资金来源和期限的多样化组合,无论是批发还是零售业务。
- The new regulations will authorize foreign banks to issue CDs and open up more channels of funding sources so as to encourage foreign banks to increase RMB loans in China. 发行大额可转让存单,拓宽其资金来源渠道,用以鼓励外资银行增加在中国的人民币贷款业务。
- Therefore, the way forward would be finding some other funding sources, such as debt, bonds or angel funds to fill the investment gap. 因此,他们必须寻找其他的资金来源,如贷款、债券或天使投资者,来填补这个投资缺口。
- Debt issuance is the mainstay of HKMC's funding sources, since one of the objectives of the HKMC is to promote the development of the local Hong Kong dollar debt capital market. 由于按揭证券公司的目标是促进本地港元债券市场的发展,因此,公司以发行债券为主要的集资渠道。
- She contributed to the fund with an open heart. 她向基金会捐款,慷慨解囊。
- A counter argument claims that such reallocation of existing resources gives funding sources a pretext for ignoring these new needs. 反對者爭論並聲稱,這種以重新分配現有的資源為藉口將使資金來源減少並忽略這些新的需求。
- The factory has built up reserve fund. 这个工厂已积累了后备基金。
- Information on the NGO/NPO Board, its mission statement, programmes and projects info, staff members, funding sources, etc. will be necessary. 包括非政府组织的理事会、使命陈述、项目信息,成员构成、资金来源等等。
- I have kept a reserve fund in case of accidents. 我已筹备了一笔准备基金以防不测。
- However,there are five problems existed in investment on higher vocational education:insufficient total investment,unbalanced fund source structure,unreasonable fund distribution structure,biased investment concept and over high individual cost. 我国高等职业教育投资主要存在教育经费投入总量不足、来源结构不均衡、分配结构不合理、投资观念偏颇、个人成本过高等五个方面的问题。
- Debt issuance is the mainstay of HKMC's funding sources,since one of the objectives of the HKMC is to promote the development of the local Hong Kong dollar debt capital market. 由于按揭证券公司的目标是促进本地港元债券市场的发展,因此,公司以发行债券为主要的集资渠道。
- A collection will be made for the fund. 为筹措该基金将举行一次募捐。
- He administer a large pension fund. 他管理一大笔养老金。
- Latest audited company financial statement or personal financial statement. If you have other investors, please also attach their audited financial statements or funds sources. 近期审计过的公司财务报表或个人的财务证明。如果您还有其他的投资者,也请附上他们审计过的财务报表或资金来源证明。