- A new ASTA/MAT fund raised about $800 million. 新的ASTA/MAT基金筹集了约8亿美元。
- The chairman poured cold water onto all our suggestions for fund raising. 董事长对我们筹集资金的所有建议都泼冷水。
- Use concession as fund raising method. 特许经营被当作引资手段。
- The EVA analysis shows that the fund raised by SPO can not be used effectively and SPO has become some listed companies’ means to get money . 上市公司通过增发圈钱的现象应引起管理层和投资者高度关注。
- The other is post allocation, namely, when social insurance fund raised by other channels are unable to make ends meet, allocate money to replenish from the state treasury. 二是事后拨款,即当以其他渠道筹集的社保资金入不敷出时,从国库拨款补足。
- There were 7906 women and children of poverty family had been helped in 2000,the development of MCH cause had been limited because fund raised inadequatel... 2000年共有7906名特困家庭妇女和儿童得到救助,由于贫困救助资金筹集不足,支出大于筹集金额,限制了妇幼保健事业的发展。
- Have you hear about our fund raising about it yet, ron. 你听说我们为年轻运动员集资的计划了吗?
- The fund raising event will be followed by a small party. 募捐活动后将会有个小型晚会。
- Have you heard about our fund raising for the young athelets? 你听说我们为年轻运动员集资的计划了吗?
- In 2001 alone,the funds raised for these undertakings reached 4.2 billion yuan. 2001年,福利事业共募集资金42亿元。
- Such companies can be established by means of sponsoring or fund raising. 公司可采取发起方式或者募集方式设立。
- Any enquiries, please contact our Fund Raising Officer, Ms Stella Chu. 如有任何查询;欢迎赐电与筹款主任朱锦霞小姐联络.
- YBAM would like to thank all the "Dharma Walk 2007"fund raiser or donors. 马佛青总会向全体为"2007年全国护法行"筹款者或捐款的善心人士致谢。
- Charitable organizations often run gift-wrapping services as a fund raiser. 慈善组织经常通过举办礼品包装服务来筹集资金。
- Sabah DAP is organizing a fund raising event by public donation in Sabah. 沙巴民主行动党在沙巴州已进行一项为明福基金的公众筹款活动。
- Petaling Jaya) YBAM Announced a collection of RM900000 raised from the "Dharma Walk 2007" fund raising activity which ended on 31 May. 马佛青总会宣布,"2007年全国护法行"筹款活动于5月31日正式截止,筹获的款项将近90万令吉。
- Although the number of new funds granted to a record high, but the new-type stocks and funds raised for the first QDII fund size, but it falls short. 虽然新基金的获批数量创历史新高,但偏股型新基金及QDII基金的首募规模却不尽如人意。
- All funds raised by the Beijing Terry Fox Run will be used by the Chinese Cancer Institute for cancer research. 所有通过北京希望马拉松募捐所筹集的基金全部用于中国癌症研究事业。
- In 2001 alone, the funds raised for these undertakings reached 4.2 billion yuan. 2001年,福利事业共募集资金42亿元。
- Funds raised by a listed company from stock issuance must be used according to the uses of the funds listed in the prospectus. 上市公司对发行股票所募资金,必须按招股说明书所列资金用途使用。