- functional constituency system 功能界别制度
- Each functional constituency represents an economic, social, or professional group which is substantial and important to the HKSAR. 每个功能界别代表香港特别行政区一个重要的经济、社会或专业界别。
- It is the year when you have demonstrated why you deserve your success in securing a functional constituency seat in the legislature. 在这一年,你们出色的表现足以证明保险界在立法会功能界别中应占一席位。你们的成就,是有目共睹的。
- It would be grossly anachronistic and a mistake for the party to readopt this approach in a Lower House election now held under a single-seat constituency system. 在当前的单席选举体制下,在下院选举中还重新采用这样的政策可能是极大的错误。
- "Application by a body for registration in a functional constituency and an EC subsector" to apply for registration. "团体登记为功能界别选民及选举委员会界别分组投票人申请书",申请登记为选民。
- This year, 14 of the 30 functional constituency seats are uncontested, leaving a total of 46 seats available. 今年30席起决定作用的组织中的14席自动当选,使得总共有46席可由选举产生。
- Note : A body can be registered in only one functional constituency and one Election Committee subsector. 注意:任何一个团体只可在一个功能界别/选举委员会界别分组中登记。
- Each functional constituency represents an economic,social,or professional group which is substantial and important to the HKSAR. 每个功能界别代表香港特别行政区一个重要的经济、社会或专业界别。
- A participant proposed to double the number of geographical constituency seats but freeze the number of functional constituency seats. 有嘉宾建议分区直选议席增加一倍,但功能界别议席维持不变。
- At the same time as "Momoyama - all uranium-ore belt mineralization and exploration constituency system" to provide an integrated environment and geological data analysis platform. 同时为“桃山-诸广成矿带铀成矿系统与勘查选区”提供一个集成的地质数据环境与分析平台。
- For functional constituencies Nos.1 to 4, the preferential elimination system is used. Under this system, an elector is entitled to cast one vote. 至于编号1至4的功能界别,则采用按选择次序淘汰的投票制度,每名选民可投一票。
- Of the total 60 seats together, 20 will be directly elected; 30 will come through a functional constituency arrangement and 10 through an Election Committee. 立法会共设六十个议席,其中二十席将以直接选举方式选出,三十席由功能组别选出,另外十席经由一个选举委员会选出。
- Of the total 60 seats together,20 will be directly elected; 30 will come through a functional constituency arrangement and 10 through an Election Committee. 立法会共设六十个议席,其中二十席将以直接选举方式选出,三十席由功能组别选出,另外十席经由一个选举委员会选出。
- By 2016 at the latest, abolish all Functional Constituencies. 然后最迟于2016年,全面取消功能界别议席。
- Should all eligible electors be able to vote in functional constituency elections in the future, this could be one of the models for universal suffrage. 若然未来所有合资格的选民都能在功能界别选举中投票,这可能会是普选的一个模式。
- For functional constituencies Nos.1 to 4,the preferential elimination system is used. Under this system,an elector is entitled to cast one vote. 至于编号1至4的功能界别,则采用按选择次序淘汰的投票制度,每名选民可投一票。
- Paul's Press Conference at Chater Garden - Paul declared his Candidacy (2008 Legislative Council Accountancy Functional Constituency: Election Advertisement)... 功能组别,会计界,立法会,遮打花园,选举,陈茂波
- Innovation is microcosmic constituent system, the systematism rate that raises a farmer is the most pressing issue. 创新微观组织制度,提高农民的组织化程度是最紧迫的问题。
- imperial examination constitu system 科举制度
- Manage in a small way assume feebly trade exaltedly charge is the main inducement that our country agriculture manages constituent system to produce changes. 小规模经营无力承担高昂的交易费用是我国农业经营组织制度发生变迁的主要诱因。