- Leaflet blades with scattered oil glands. 小叶叶片具星散的油腺体。
- Mark the wrapper method or function with. 标记包装方法或函数。
- Function with a shorter length for the result type. 产生长度更短的结果类型。
- Became overcast with scattered shower mod visibility . (航海日志)天气转为阴天偶有阵雨,能见度中等。
- Grassland with scattered clusters of trees or shrubs. 稀树高原稀疏地散布着树丛和灌木丛的草地
- We absolutely need to function with spring! 我们绝对需要有弹跳功能的笔。
- Carnival: Harlequin symbols are wild except with scatter symbols. 沙漠牛仔:钱袋和马蹄铁是万用符号。
- Branchlet internodes short, with scattered grayish white bristles. 小枝节间短,带有散布的浅灰色的白色刚毛。
- Membership card cannot function with other privileges. 会员卡不能与其他优惠一同使用。
- A large grassy plain in South America, with scattered bushes and small trees. 南美草原南美的一个大而多草的平原,零星地长有一些灌木丛和小树
- In ODBC, call the SQLSetPos function with the SQL_UPDATE option. 在ODBC中,调用带有SQL_UPDATE选项的SQLSetPos函数。
- Branches with scattered lenticels and straight, conic prickles 4-5 mm. 枝具星散的皮孔和直的,圆锥形皮刺4-5毫米。
- It features a user-friendly search function with shopping cart. 它具备易学易用的搜寻功能及购物车。
- Her white dress, with scattered small flowers and plants, is very beautiful. 她那件白底碎花儿小旗袍很漂亮。
- Unique Phonetic input function with free Phonetic format. 独特的拼音声调输入功能、可随意编排。
- Copy of receipt function with automatic resend feature. 可重新打印复制收据。
- Functions with a variable argument list (.). 函数具有可变参数列表(。)。
- Glue to other shapes to add a function with invocation to a diagram. 粘附到其他形状上,以便将带有调用的函数添加到图表中。
- Big, looming mountains, close up and patched with scattered avalanche fields and small glaciers. 大,迫在眉睫的山区,近拍和修补与分散雪崩领域和小冰川。
- Trees.Branches terete, grooved, pale yellow pubescent, with scattered, glaucous lenticels. 乔木圆柱状的分枝,具凹槽,浅黄短柔毛,星散,有白霜的具。