- This paper introduces the methods and measures of the adjustment of support tilt caused by ultrahigh mining in fully mechanized coal face. 本文介绍了综采工作面回采超高时倾斜歪倒支架调整的方法及措施。
- We carried similar material imitation with up-dip mining method experiment,with it we studied the cover rock movement and breach laws in incline fully mechanized coal face. 本课题在实验室做了“仰斜开采覆岩结构破坏规律相似材料模拟”试验,通过试验研究了倾斜综放采场覆岩移动破坏规律。
- In order to study the dip strata displacement and side abutment phenomenon law in incline fully mechanized coal face we observed phenomenon of underground pressure in co. 为了研究倾斜综放采场倾向岩层运动与侧向支承压力显现规律,布置了覆岩破坏测区和侧向支承压力测区。
- This paper discusses a range of fully mechanized coal face to face through the long range, as well as increase its production line to install the system and procedure of implementation. 论述了不等长综采工作面通过不等长面对接,以及增加与其相适应的生产安装系统和实施办法。
- Abstract According to the outburst features and rules in fully mechanized coal face in our country,the paper described the prediction of outburst danger by the method of roof dynamics in a roadway. 根据我国综采工作面突出特点和规律,从现场考察和理论分析相结合,论述了用巷道顶板动态法预测综采工作面的突出危险性。
- The theory of the gas emission used for high gassy and fully mechanized coal face at the adjacent layers is stated in the paper by means of the theory of stope three dimensional gas flow. 应用采场三维瓦斯流动理论,论述了高沼气综采工作面邻近层瓦斯抽放的基本原理。
- over 400 m length fully mechanized coal face 400m以上综采工作面
- big angle fully mechanized coal face 大倾角综放面
- fully mechanized coal face with caving of roof coal 综放工作面
- fully mechanized coal face with sublevel caving 综放工作面
- Two models for output of mechanized coal face are constructed with Markovian theory. 利用马尔可夫理论,构造了两个机采工作面产量的模拟模型。
- Application of endless rope haulage at fully mechanized coal face 顺槽连续牵引车及其信号系统在综采工作面的应用
- Approach of upper hollows at fully mechanized coal face 综采工作面顶部老巷处理方法
- Technology to shorten face width in fully mechanized coal face 综采工作面缩面技术
- The Analysis of Matching Auxiliary Haulage System at Fully Mechanized Coal Face 对综采工作面辅助运输系统配套分析
- Analysis on Reason for Roof Breakage and Fall at Fully Mechanized Coal Face 综采工作面顶板破碎及煤壁片帮原因分析
- Research on Roof Weighing Law of Fully Mechanized Coal Face in Shaqu Coal Mine 沙曲矿综采工作面顶板来压规律研究
- Optimization of coal winning technology and its parameters for fully mechanized coal face with top-coal caving 较薄厚煤层综放面工艺方式与参数选择
- conventional mechanical coal face 普采工作面
- Application Research on Relief Gas Drainage Technique in a Fully Mechanized Coal Face 综采工作面卸压瓦斯抽放技术的应用研究