- The full text of the communique reads as follows. 公报全文如下。
- full text resources 全文资源
- The full text will be dispatched separately. 全文另发。
- The following is the full text of his speech. 以下是他的演讲全文。
- The full text reads as follows:... 全文如下...
- The following is the full text of Jiang's speech. 下面是江讲话全文。
- This is the Help Center Full Text Search engine. 这是帮助中心完全文本搜索引擎。
- Full text search is now a built-in feature. 全文检索成为内建特性。
- How do I work with full text indexing? 怎样才能使用全文索引?
- Full text search with keyword highlights. 全文搜索和关键字高亮。
- The full text reads as follows: ... 全文如下。。。
- Link to full text - read this in its entirety. 连接到完整的文本-完整阅读。
- We now bring you the full text of the Renmin Ribao editorial. 现在全文广播《人民日报》社论。
- Unless otherwise mentioned, all through this text resources are assumed to be only sequentially shareable. 在本文中以后若无特殊说明,所有资源都被假设为只能串行共享。
- Full text of Jiang's address delivered at the APEC CEO Summit 2001. 江泽民在2001年亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会上的演讲。
- The newspaper had printed the full text of the president's speech. 报纸刊登了总统演讲的全文。
- In the Body box, type the full text of your announcement. 在“正文”框中,键入通知的全文。
- Are there any other ways I can read the full text online for free? 我能否通过其他方式免费在线阅读全文?
- The full text of the consultation paper can be downloaded below. 谘询文件全文可于下列档案下载。
- Expand Storage, and then right-click Full Text Catalogs. 展开“存储”,然后右键单击“全文目录”。