- Yes, a full scan is a good candidate for parallel query. 是的,一个全遍历是实施并行查询的很好的备选对象。
- Click the Down Arrow next to the Scan button, and then click Full Scan. 单击“扫描”按钮旁边的“向下箭头”,然后单击“完整扫描”。
- A Scheduler, to allow scheduling of a Quick Scan, Full Scan or Smart Update at specified times and intervals. 调度器,用于设定快速扫描、全面扫描或智能更新的时间和间隔。
- However, some implementations might require you to run UPDATE STATISTICS separately with the FULL SCAN option. 但是,有些实现可能要求您分别运行UPDATE STATISTICS和FULL SCAN选项。
- A full computer scan has never been performed. You are advised to perform a full scan as soon as possible. 从未执行过全盘扫描。建议您尽快执行一次全盘扫描。
- ESI was applied and operated in both negative and positive modes, full scan from 150-1500 amu. 质谱条件为ESI,正负离子同时检测,m/z扫描范围:150-1500amu。
- Map the most time-wasting algorithms DCT and Full Scan Block Match on RCA, and evaluate the performances. 然后将MPEG压缩算法中对编解码时间影响最大的离散余弦变换与运动估计算法映射在RCA上,并进行了性能评估。
- Close down the software and run a full scan, using the latest updates to your virus protection program. 关闭客户端软件,用病毒保护程序的最新版本对你的计算机进行一次全盘的扫描。
- For example, the optimizer can choose a full scan on a table and avoid a sort operation in a query. 比如,优化器有可能选择全表扫描,而不执行所要求的排序操作。
- This means that statistics tied to indexes, which are created with full scan when the index is built, require the whole table scan to be refreshed. 这意味着,对于在生成索引时通过完全扫描创建的索引相关统计信息,将需要刷新整个表扫描。
- The Update Statistics task includes options for full scan or for sample size as was available in SQL Server 2000 maintenance plans. “更新统计信息”任务包括先前在SQL Server 2000维护计划中提供的完全扫描选项或样本大小选项。
- I did find, however, that a full scan on mystandard clean test system took nearly an hour with NIS 2008, almosttwice as long as that of NIS 2007. 不过,我确实发现了一个问题:在我的标准的干净的测试系统中,执行一次完整系统扫描需要将近一个小时,这差不多是NIS2007的两倍。
- A full scan will check all files on your hard disk and all currently running programs, but it might cause your computer to run slowly until the scan is complete. 完整扫描检查硬盘上所有文件和当前运行的所有程序,但可能会引起计算机运行缓慢,直到扫描完成。
- Install it with default options . Make sure it is updated and perform full scan . Like with MBAM , let is remove whatever it finds and reboot the computer. 安装并打开系统配置选项,确保最新同时整体扫描,就像MBAM,尽可能移除所有发现的病毒,重起电脑
- All programs tested had the latest versions, upgrades and updates and they were tested using their full scanning capabilities e.g. heuristics, full scan etc. 所有的测试程序都被升级到最新版本.;并使用完全扫描模式比如启发试扫描
- To scan all areas of your computer (Full Scan) 扫描计算机的所有区域(完全扫描)
- He walked with a stride full of purpose. 他迈着坚定的步伐向前走。
- She has a book full of cuttings about her film. 她有一本书贴满了关于她的一些影片的剪报。
- The druggist put in a full stock of drugs. 那位药商进了一大批药品。
- New York City's Third Avenue is full of gin mills. 纽约市第3大街上小酒吧林立。