- The ship grounded several times during berthed alongside wharf in Ulsan, Korea and Keelong, Taiwan in full load condition owing to not enough draft when low tide. 该轮满载靠泊在朝鲜和台湾期间因低潮时吃水不够造成多次搁浅。
- The camera has a full load of film. 这架照相机装有一整卷胶卷
- full load condition 满载状态
- The plane took off with a full load. 飞机满载起飞。
- Test for taking on a full load suddenly. 突加负荷试验。
- The trucks has a full load capacity of six tons. 这辆卡车的车容是六吨。
- The happening of brittleness is related to the load condition. 脆性的发生和电力线路的负载状况有关;
- Typical droop is two cycles in frequency from no load to full load. 从空载到满载转速降一般为两赫兹。
- The nominal full load voltage and maximum voltage have been computed. 这样就可以计算出满负电压值和最大电压值。
- When stabilizer doesn't connect with lamp, standing in no load condition, stabilizer stop working automatically. 当安定器未接灯泡,处于空载状态时,安定器自动停止工作。
- However, the ZVS operation is difficult to achieve under light load condition for the AHB topology. 然而,对于非对称半桥拓朴而言,在轻载条件下,开关元件难以实现零电压切换操作。
- Asking John to run the department and teach a full load of courses is piling Pelion upon Ossa. 要约翰管理这个系,又要他上满工作量的课程,这是强人所难。
- The solutions of the alleviative vibration are presented by the test research for the small load condition. 研究了大型混流式水轮机小负荷工况下运行的振动。
- What kind of load conditions will the server be under? 服务器将处于哪种负载条件下呢?
- When ordering overload relays, specify horsepower, voltage and full load current per motor nameplate. 订购过载继电器时,请注明每台电机的功率马力、电压和满载电流。
- It can be seen as a virtual test rig performing detailed studies of forces, moments etc. Inside a bearing under virtually any load condition. 可将它视为一个虚拟的测试装置,能够详细地研究几乎是在任何负荷情况下轴承内部的各种力和力矩等状况。
- The application of such technology greatly reduced the oil consumption and low load condition stable burning in lignite-fired burner. 结果表明,等离子点火系统性能稳定,能实现褐煤锅炉少油点火及低负荷稳燃。
- The ratio of output power to input power expressed as a percentage. This is generally measured under full load at nominal line voltage. 输出功率与输入功率之比的百分数。通常是在满负荷额定线电压下测定的。
- Objective: To compare the femoral isometric position of anterior cruciate ligament(ACL)reconstruction under simulating physical load condition. 目的:比较模拟生理负荷条件下前交叉韧带股骨重建位置的等距特性。
- The goernor must hae proision for adjusting speed( generator frequency) and speed droop( no load to full load). 调速器必须具备转速调整(电机频率)降速降调整(负荷到满负荷)能。