- full force feed lubrication 全压力润滑
- mechanical force feed lubrication 机械压力润滑, 高压下自动润滑
- force feed lubrication 压力润滑法,加压润滑
- full force feed 全压力进给
- She delivered the message with full force. 她神气十足地向我发布命令。
- The school took the full force of the explosion. 爆炸的全部破坏力都集中在这所学校。
- forced feed lubrication 强制供油润滑(作用),加压供油润滑(作用)
- This proclamation is hereby issued with the full force of the law. 此布。
- The shopping centre took the full force of the blast. 购物中心承受了全部爆炸力。
- He was just in time to dodge the full force of the boom as it swung round. Even so, it knocked him cold and he'd have slipped of deck if I hadn't grabbed him. 他躲闪及时,没有被帆杆打个正着。尽管如此,他还是被打晕了。要不是我抓住他,他就掉下了甲板。
- Poland's crash program toward capitalism and a market economy went into full force yesterday and prices for many items were immediately increased. 波兰迈向资本主义和市场经济的速成计划昨天开始全部生效,很多物品价格立刻上升。
- What is Lenovo aiming with its"turning out in full force"? 联想“倾巢出动”意欲何为?
- The full force of his rage was unleashed against me. 他把所有的怒气都发泄在我身上。
- We have turned out in full force, wishing to fulfill the task. 我们已经倾巢出动了,但愿能够完成好这项任务。
- He came at me with full force, so I was caught unprepared. 他以泰山压顶之势向我攻来,打得我措手不及。
- forced feed lubricator 强制供油润滑器
- Sending out Grand Ray Cero, with the intention to kill Ichigo in full force. 发动了王虚之闪光,意图全力地杀害一护。
- His workers in Pittsburgh felt the full force of his pitiless Darwinism. 匹兹堡的工人充分地体会到卡耐基冷酷无情的达尔文主义。
- The second would have struck Earth at full force,destroying its ozone layer. 第二颗可能以全力撞击了地球,破坏了地球上空的臭氧层。
- He was, in the full force of the term, what is called in venery a knowing dog. 照狩猎的术语他完全够得上被称作一头“乖狗”。