- I think I'd prefer a full course of table d'hote. 我想我喜欢全套的公司菜。
- I think we'd better order a full course of table d'hote. 我想我们最好还是吃全套的和菜。
- The revolution in morals and customs had run its full course by 1930. 道德和习俗的革命,到1930年已走到尽头。
- For example, patients may fail to complete their full course of treatment. 比如,病人可能无法完成整个疗程的治疗。
- The patient underwent a full course of concurrent chemoradiotherapy. 患者接受了一完整的合并化学放射治疗。
- Do I need to pay full course fee at the time of registration and complete the whole course in one day? 学员是否需要一次过缴交全数费用,以及在一天内完成整个课程?
- Finally, it believed that the debate on the development agenda for WIPO had not run its full course. 最后,该联盟认为,关于WIPO发展议程的辩论并未充分展开。
- Follow the advice of the doctor and complete the full course of treatment to reduce the chance of relapse. 治疗消化不良的药物很多,医生会因应不同病理成因来处方。应按指示完成疗程,以减低复发的机会。
- Patients with confirmed diagnosis should be treated with a full course of antibiotics. 经证实患上猩红热的病人,应接受完整的抗生素疗程。
- You will also get a cash incentive upon successful completion of each module or the full course. 顺利完成一个单元或整个课程后,您还可获得奖励金。
- Call the Keelung Aerosports Association (tel: (02) 2966-3414) to fix up a tandem jump or arrange a full course. 有兴趣的人,可以拨打02-2966-3414中华民国飞行运动基隆分会洽询。
- They are sanguine that its longer term prospects remain bright as the ultimate potential of the information age has not yet run its full course. 他们仍然乐观,认为长期看来前景仍是光明的,信息时代的发展潜能来日方长。
- Students do not require INS permission to accept any kind of on-campus employment so long as they are taking a full course of study. 留学生只要是读全日课程的,完全可以担任校内工作而毋需经过移民归化局许可。
- They are sanguine that its longer-term prospects remain bright as the ultimate potential of the information age has not yet run its full course. 他们仍然乐观,认为长期看来前景仍是光明的,信息时代的发展潜能来日方长。
- When a full course of medication isn't completed, a person's system is cleared of only the weakest germs, leaving room for a hardier strain to thrive. 当一个药物疗程未完成时,人体系统被清除的仅是些较弱的病菌,给更顽固株留下了生长的空间。
- Whether it's taking a full course of antibiotics or eating a low-fat diet, too many patients fail to do what their doctors prescribe. 太多的病人并没有按照医嘱服用相应的抗生素或低热量食品。
- As an alternative to paying full course fees before they start, students can use the Victory Institute of Professional Training payment plan. 作为一种替代办法,以支付全额学费,然后开始,学生可以使用胜利学院专业培训付款计划。
- He walked with a stride full of purpose. 他迈着坚定的步伐向前走。
- She has a book full of cuttings about her film. 她有一本书贴满了关于她的一些影片的剪报。
- To ensure that,by the same date,children everywhere,boys and girls alike,will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling and that girls and boys will have equal access to all levels of education. 确保在同一日期之前,使世界各地的儿童,不论男女,都能上完小学全部课程,男女儿童都享有平等的机会,接受所有各级教育。