- It will be a waste of time. You will come full circle. 那将是浪费时间。你会回到原处,一事无成。
- full circle crane 全转式起重机
- His career have come full circle to the club where it begin. 他在事业上经过一番周折,如今他又回到了最初工作的那家俱乐部。
- His career has come full circle to the club where it began. 他在事业上经过一番周折,如今他又回到了最初工作的那家俱乐部。
- His career has gone full circle to the club where it began. 他在事业上经过一番周折,如今他又回到了最初工作的那家俱乐部。
- Loyalty nevertheless again comes full circle. 然而忠诚度再次形成完整的循环。
- It's January 1st, the year has come full circle. 今天是1月1日,一年周而复始。
- The wheel have come full circle. 周而复始,报应不爽。
- So vocally things may come full circle. 因此,在声音上可能算回到原点。
- Now the Rnudsen-Ford relationship had come full circle. 现在,努森和福特的关系恢复了老样子。
- We've come full circle from wealth to poverty to wealth again. 我们绕了一大圈从富有到贫穷又到富有
- In all of her images - life always came 'full circle'. 在所有她的肖像里-生命总是‘轮回’的。
- The attitude you project returns full circle back to you. 你表现出的态度映射你自身。
- It brought his career around full circle to becoming an artist. 这完全改变了他的职业轨迹,让他成为一个艺术家。
- Like the completed LHC itself, we will have come full circle. 就如同LHC完工后的外型一样,我们将看见一个完整的圈。
- Twenty years later his son made the same choice and the wheel came full circle. 二十年后,他的儿子作了同样的选择,局面又恢复了老样子。
- And coming full circle: Guess who is Halle Berry's body-image role model. 像今后一样充分循环:猜猜谁是哈莉贝瑞的身体形象榜样?
- Full circle girder erecting crane 全回转式架梁起重机
- From caregiver to cared- for,from cared- for to caregiver,our relationship had come full circle. 她已从关爱者变为受照顾者,我则从受照顾者变为关爱者,我们的关系倒了个个儿。
- In a sense, the quasi-religious mystique of royalty came full circle with Diana. 就某种意义来说,王室的半宗教神秘性填补了黛安娜的生活。