- Diesel fuel injection pump tester 柴油机喷油泵试验台
- fuel injection pump tester 喷油泵试验台
- We want to buy fuel injection pump (bosch type) for Diesel engines which suitable genset application. 我们需要购买汽车柴油发动机,请联系我们。
- We want to buy fuel injection pump (bosch type) for cummins engines which suitable genset application. 我们需要求购汽车燃油泵,请联系我们。
- Check whether or not the fuel injection pump plunger and fuel outlet valve is worn or clogged, plunger spring and fuel outlet valve spring is broke. 喷油泵柱塞及出油阀是否磨损或卡死、柱塞弹簧及出油阀弹簧是否折断;
- Aimed at variable pre-stroke fuel injection pump electronic control system of automotive direct injection diesel engine, software and hardware of ECU was developed. 针对车用柴油机可变预行程泵电控系统,进行了电子控制单元软硬件的开发。
- Fuel system in the most crucial part of Diesel Fuel Injection Pump be the heart of its complex structure, containing two pieces of sophisticated dual "plunger pay" and "the oil valve pay. 柴油机在工作中,燃油系中柱塞付、出油阀付、针阀付三大精密偶件必须紧密结合,否则严重影响柴油机的正常工作性能。
- Shanghai PUDONG "EV" Fuel Injection Co.,Ltd is specialized in manufacturing fuel injection equipments such as fuel injection pump injector with a site area 129,000 M2. 上海浦东伊维燃油喷射有限公司是专业生产油泵嘴等燃油系统产品的有限责任公司,占地面积十二万九千平方米,地处上海浦东金桥开发区。
- Diesel engines - Cradle-mounted in-line fuel injection pumps - Mounting dimensions. 道路车辆。弧形底安装直列式喷油泵。安装尺寸。
- Base flanged mounted fuel injection pump 底部突缘安装燃油喷射泵
- High flanged-mounted fuel injection pump 上部安装燃油喷射泵
- Distributor type fuel injection pump 分配式喷油泵
- spill valve type fuel injection pump 溢流阀式喷油泵
- Single cylinder fuel injection pump 单缸式燃油喷射泵
- End flange-mounted fuel injection pump 端部突缘安装式燃油喷射泵
- Design of PS Fuel Injection Pump PS型喷油泵的研制开发
- Maintenance of Test Bench for Fuel Injection Pump 喷油泵试验台的维护
- Integral fuel injection pump housing 整体式喷油泵体
- high pressure fuel injection pump assembly 高压喷油泵总成