- And I'll help our auto companies retool, so that the fuel efficient cars of the future are built right here in America. 另外,我也将帮助我们的汽车公司重新想辙,这样,未来的十分节省燃料的汽车将在我们美国生产出来。
- Animals around the world are losing their habitats due to climate change. By choosing a hybrid or fuel efficient car, you can help prevent this. Take action right now. 由于气候变化,许多动物已经渐渐失去它们赖以生存的环境。选用混合动力或高效能汽车,就能帮到它们,行动起来吧!
- Their most important criterion for buying a car is fuel efficiency. 他们购买汽车最重要的标准是省油。
- Diesel engines are the most fuel efficient vehicle power source available. 柴油发动机是现有燃油效率最高的机器。
- In their quest to make cars safer, lighter and more fuel efficient, car makers are using more exotic materials in the bodies of vehicles, such as high-strength steels, aluminum, steel-plastic sandwiches. 为了让汽车更安全、更轻、更省油,汽车制造商在车身上使用各种新型材料,如高强度钢、铝、钢塑混合夹层等。
- Corporate average fuel efficiency standards. 向平均能源效率标准看齐。
- Most Japanese and foreign manufacturers are eager to demonstrate that they are joining the green revolution by making cars that are more fuel efficient or use alternative sources of energy. 大部分的日本及外国汽车制造商,都渴望藉由生产节省燃料或使用替代能源的车子,来证明他们正加入这场绿色环保的革命。
- How fuel efficient is this car? 这部车的功率怎么样?
- Dramatic innovations in aircraft design will allow faster, smoother, and more fuel efficient means of air travel. 飞机设计中引人注目的革新将使空中旅行更迅捷、更平稳、更节能。
- Dramatic innovations in aircraft design will allow faster,smoother,and more fuel efficient means of air travel. 飞机设计中引人注目的革新将使空中旅行更迅捷、更平稳、更节能。
- This system is propitious to increase the fuel efficiency. 该系统对提高燃料利用率有明显效果。
- Aerodynamic studies show a pickup truck is most fuel efficient with its tailgate up. 空气动力学研究显示出,小型敞篷卡车保留后箱盖时燃料的利用效率更高。
- As a result, Feng said China should develop more economical cars in the coming decades to maximize fuel efficiency amid climbing oil prices. 因此,Feng说中国应该在未来的十年里开发更多的经济型轿车以石油价格在攀升的情况下取得最优化效能。
- There is a growing need for long range, fuel efficient transport of military cargo which can rely on CONUS basing. 因此,军方日益需要能够从本土基地起飞,燃料利用有效率的长程军事运输方法。
- The label is displayed on new cars that are registered under the scheme, so you can compare the fuel efficiency of models before buying. 标签将会展示在已经登记此计划的新车上,让你可在买车前比较不同车辆的耗油量。
- As a result, several highly CO2- efficient cars brought onto the market in recent years, in line with ACEA's1998 commitment to reduce average emissions, met with very low demand despite considerable marketing efforts. 结果就是,最近几年进入市场的几款二氧化碳排放量很小的汽车,虽然符合1998年ACEA关于减少平均排放量的承诺,但还是遭到市场冷遇,尽管他们也付出相当大努力进行了推广。
- The design briefing will focus around making the replacement Tiburon "very stylish", as well as "very fuel efficient". 设计简报将着重围绕决策更换蒂伯龙“很时髦”,以及“非常省油".
- A sweeping energy bill that increases fuel efficiency standards in U.S. cars and trucks will be signed into law Wednesday by President Bush. 一个全面增加美国汽车和卡车燃油效率标准的法案星期叁将得到布希总统的签署,成为一项法律。
- Students from Turkey's Sakarya University have unveiled a remarkable attempt at creating Europe's most fuel efficient vehicle. 学生来自土耳其的撒卡里亚大学推出了显着的企图创造欧洲最省油的汽车。