- fuel system diagram 燃料供应系统图
- Create a new solution with a blank system diagram. 新建一个具有空白系统关系图的解决方案。
- Use to add a network server to your system diagram. 用于将网络服务器添加到系统图中。
- Inhibits corrosion in fuel system . 抑制油路系统中的腐蚀现象。
- Provide electrical system diagram if necessarily. 必要时提供电气系统图。
- Use to add a group of laptop computers to your system diagram. 用于将一组便携电脑添加到系统图中。
- Use to add a laptop computer to your system diagram. 用于将便携电脑添加到系统图中。
- Use to add a mainframe or supercomputer to your system diagram. 用于将主机或超级计算机添加到系统图中。
- Describes how to add members of a system to a system diagram. 描述如何向系统关系图中添加系统成员。
- Enough knowledge of diesel engine fuel systems. 充分掌握柴油发动机燃油系统的工作原理。
- Otherwise, alert indicators appear on the existing system diagram. 否则,现有系统关系图上将出现警报指示符。
- System Designer is available when a system diagram is visible. 系统设计器在系统关系图可见时可用。
- Install fuel injectors use tool VM-1012 (refer to Group 14, Fuel System). 用工具VM-1012安装燃油喷射器(请参阅单元14,燃油系统)。
- Add a new or existing system diagram to your solution. 向该解决方案中添加新的或现有的系统关系图。
- Supervision IT services that Fuel System IT provides to each functional area. 为各部门提供IT服务。
- Create a system diagram from existing application definitions. 从现有的应用程序定义创建系统关系图。
- Work with each functional leader on implementing IT projects in Fuel System. 和相关部门的负责人合作完成本公司的IT项目。
- Each system diagram contains the definition of each new system. 每个系统关系图包含每个新系统的定义。
- Use to add a spare network server to your system diagram. 用于将备用网络服务器添加到系统图中。
- PCM does not detect the malfunction for 3 consecutive trips (except misfire and Fuel system Monitors). PCM连续3次检查没有发现故障(除了熄火及燃油系统监视器)。