- Fresh sea bass is a great delicacy. 新鲜海鲈味美无比。
- Fire on duck, one sea bass and a souffle, please. 一份鸭肉,一份鲈鱼,和一份蛋白牛奶酥。
- Frozen sea food can be useful substitutes for fresh foods. 冰冻的海鲜可以代替新鲜食物。
- We have sea bass on special today for 50% off the normal price. 海鲈今天特价,比平日的价格低一半。
- "Where glaciers meet mountains in Canada's Yukon Territory, some peaks jut from the ice like islands in a frozen sea. 在加拿大育空地区的冰川和山脉交汇之处,一些山峰突出冰层,看起来就像冰封海洋中的岛屿。
- That would be dinner, Doctor. We'll be having sea bass, with assorted good things. Hungry? 那是晚餐,医生。我们会吃些黑鲈,还有各种其他的好吃的。饿吗?
- Any of various marine fishes of the family Serranidae, such as the sea bass and the striped bass. 鲈鱼一种鳍科的海生鱼,例如海鲈鱼和条纹石鮨
- Iridovirus and nervous necrosis virus (NNV) both were isolated from various grouper, sea bream and sea bass. 无论如何,虹彩病毒和神经坏死病毒都分离自海产的石斑、海鲷、鲈鱼,危害相当大。
- A lesser known fact is that dogs led Asian migrants on sleds to cross the frozen sea to America and settle as Indian tribes. 有一个鲜为人知的一个事实:狗曾拖着雪橇将亚洲人拉过结冰的大海,送到遥远的美国,这部分人就是后来的印第安部落。
- Maybe I'll rustle up a bit of sea bass wrapped in foil with mushrooms, courgettes, peppers and seasoning. 也许我会做点黑鲈鱼,加上蘑菇,小胡瓜,胡椒和其他作料。
- Any of various marine fishes of the family Serranidae,such as the sea bass and the striped bass. 鲈鱼一种鳍科的海生鱼,例如海鲈鱼和条纹石?
- Heat 1tbsp olive oil and pan fry sea bass fillets over low heat until golden and well cooked. 热1汤匙橄榄油,用慢火将鱼柳两面煎至金黄色及全熟。
- From sea bass to abalone, clams to prawns, Chile serves up a sumptuous feast from the sea. 黑鲈、鲍鱼、蛤蜊、对虾,智利随时奉上豪华的海鲜盛宴。
- Complementary DNA (cDNA) sequence of Japanese sea bass (Lateolabrax japonicus) prion protein (PrP) encoding gene was cloned and characterized through RT-PCR approach. 采用RT-PCR方法分离了鲈鱼蛋白质感染因子蛋白编码基因序列,并进行了结构分析。
- Extruded feed for marine fish: Turbot, flounder, salmon, tuna, sea-bream, swellfish, yellow crock, sea bass, rockfish, red drum, etc. 海水鱼膨化料系列:大菱鲆、牙鲆、石鲽、三文鱼、金枪鱼、真鲷、河鲀、大黄鱼、鲈鱼、黑头鱼、美国红鱼饲料等;
- TYPHOONS, earthquakes and a frozen sea make life difficult enough for the two consortia extracting oil and gas from beneath the Sea of Okhotsk, off the coast of Sakhalin Island in the Russian far east. 对于在俄罗斯远东地区库页岛海岸附近海域从鄂霍次克海下开采石油和天然气的两大财团来说,台风,地震和冰封的大海已经让他们日子够难过的了。
- The homologue of the sequence of sea bass and bastard halibut to pufferfish, zebra fish and Atlantic salmon ranged differently from 28% to 68%. 与红旗东方?、大西洋鲑和斑马鱼序列之间同源性变化很大;从28-68%25;变化不等这两种鱼的同源性在68.;4%25。
- Food recommendations . Light and creamy cheeses, pastas with vegetable sauces, backed fish as sea bass and of course seafood. 配餐建议:口味清淡的奶油芝士,带蔬菜沙司的意大利面,各种海鲜和黑鲈。
- And it says that in future the foreign firms with the expertise to tap offshore fields beneath frozen seas will be limited to minority shareholdings in big projects. 克里姆林宫还说未来那些具备在冻海之下开发离岸油井能力的国外公司在大型项目里只能拥有少数股权。
- B.Tested against Japanese sea bass in Tokyo bay, Osaka bay and off shore Hamamatsu , EDONIS has proven its potential beyond any doubt. 大中华汽车是全球第一中文汽车门户,是以职业经理人为主要受众,含盖汽车行业最完整、 最全面情报的世界汽车资讯的专业网站。