- Frontier life could be lonely and empty. 边疆生活不用说是空虚寂寞的。
- The life of the Reindeer men was a frontier life. 驯鹿时代人的生活是一种边区生活。
- The many hardships of frontier life. 大多数边境人民的生活很困苦。
- These were typical experiences in frontier life. 这些都是在偏远地区生活所需面对的困难。
- Frontier life could be lonely and empty . 边疆生活不用说是空虚寂寞的。
- This is a novel about frontier life in the United States. 这是一部描写美国边界居民生活的小说。
- The war greatly multiplied the dangers of frontier life . 战争大大地增加了前线士兵的生命危险。
- This is a poem about frontier life in the united state. 这是关于在美国的边疆寿命的一首诗。
- The war greatly multiplied the dangers of frontier life. 战争大大地增加了前线士兵的生命危险。
- This is a poem about frontier life in the United States. 这是首描写美国边疆居民生活的诗。
- It was a movie about the hardships of frontier life in the northwest. 这是一部有关西北边疆艰苦生活的影片。
- A novel,film,or television or radio program about frontier life in the American West. 西部小说、电影、电视剧或广播有关美国西部地区的边远地区生活的小说、电影、电视剧或广播节目
- A novel, film, or television or radio program about frontier life in the American West. 西部小说、电影、电视剧或广播有关美国西部地区的边远地区生活的小说、电影、电视剧或广播节目
- I cannot thinking it a hardship that more more indulgence is allowed to men than to women- James Boswell; the many hardships of frontier life. 干旱造成人民生活的困苦。
- In their works these authors tended to glorify women's contributions to frontier life. 在他们的作品中,这些作者倾向于赞美女性对边境生产的贡献。
- This is a poem about frontier life in the United States.This writer uses vivid descriptions in his writings. 这是一首描写美国边界移民生活的诗歌.;采用了生动的描绘手法
- Willa cather is the first woman writer in American literary history who devoted herself to the portrayal of the frontier life of pioneers in the middle west America. 威拉·凯瑟是美国文学史上第一位潜心描写美国中西部“拓荒时代”的伟大女作家。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。