- frontal glabellar lobe 头鞍前叶
- basal glabellar lobe 头鞍基叶
- Situated anterior to the frontal bone. 前额骨的位于额骨前部的
- It seems that the frontal lobe is involved in recognising things as funny. 额叶似乎参与了对有趣的事情进行识别。
- Of, relating to, or situated in the anterior part of the frontal lobe. 额叶前部的额叶前面部分的、与之相关的或位于之的
- In rats brain, MTR showed different values between pons and frontal lobe. 并且在大白鼠脑显示出桥脑高于额叶。
- Full frontal anarchy is his cry. 他鼓吹的是不折不扣的无政府主义。
- Meanwhile SPECT of patients with VCI showed the rCBF decrease of frontal lobe, temporal lobe was the most prominent. SPECT发现VCI以额叶、颞叶血流灌注的减少最为显著。
- Simple skull X-ray showed a large air-containing cyst in the left frontal lobe in both cases. 两位病患之头部X光摄影显示出,于左侧额叶处有一充满气体之大囊肿。
- Of or relating to the forehead or frontal bone. 前额与前额或额骨有关的或额骨的
- Of or relating to the frontal plane. 正面的正面图的或与正面图有关的
- An ornamental border for a frontal. 额前饰带带有装饰性边的额前饰物
- Surgical excision of a lobe, as of the lung. 叶切除术用外科手术切除叶,如肺叶
- A section or subdivision of a lobe. 叶的一部分
- A structure or part resembling a lobe. 叶状结构或部分
- The enemy made a frontal attack on our troops. 敌人对我们的部队发动了一次正面的进攻。
- Surgical excision of a lobe,as of the lung. 叶切除术用外科手术切除叶,如肺叶
- Soft frontal lighting smooths over form. 软正面照明平滑的形式。
- Weather fronts are bound up with a frontal cyclone. 天气的锋面和锋面气旋密切相关。
- The temporal lobe was severely damaged. 你的脑部在那次意外受到了严重的损害。