- The front committee is in charge of the local party organizations. 前委管理地方党。
- Both the Border Area Special Committee and the Army Committee are subordinate to the Front Committee. 特委及军委统辖于前委。
- All telegrams concerning the campaign sent by the armies of the Third Field Army to Su Yu and Zhang Zhen should be sent simultaneously to the General Front Committee. 三野各兵团,凡有关作战事宜的电报,除发给粟、张外,应同时发给总前委。
- It is necessary to retain the Special Committee because sometimes the Front Committee has to move about with the troops. 特委仍有存在的必要,因为前委有时要随军行动。
- The plan to take Kiangsi Province within a year was also proposed last April by the Front Committee to the Central Committee,and a decision to that effect was later made at Yutu. 关于一年争取江西的计划,也是去年四月前委向中央提出的,后来又在于都有一次决定。
- For the Huai-Hai Campaign,the Central Committee formed a General Front Committee of five members. Three of us were appointed to a Standing Committee,of which I was the Secretary. 淮海战役成立了总前委,由五个人组成,其中三个人是常委,我当书记。
- The plan to take Kiangsi Province within a year was also proposed last April by the Front Committee to the Central Committee, and a decision to that effect was later made at Yutu. 关于一年争取江西的计划,也是去年四月前委向中央提出的,后来又在于都有一次决定。
- The leading body of the Party there was the Front Committee (with Mao Tse-tung as secretary),which had been appointed by the Hunan Provincial Committee during the Autumn Harvest Uprising. 这时党的高级指导机关,是秋收起义时湖南省委任命的前敌委员会(毛泽东任书记)。
- Drafted for the General Front Committee,this outline plan was submitted to the Military Commission of the CPC Central Committee on April 1,1949 and was approved by the commission on April 3. 这个纲要是邓小平同志为总前委起草的,于一九四九年四月一日上报中共中央军委,四月三日中央军委批复同意。
- This is an outline plan for the campaign. The General Front Committee will,whenever necessary,issue separate orders with regard to the arrangements to be carried out and the measures to be taken as the campaign develops. 这是战役的基本纲要,所有规定执行事宜,及随着战役发展之各项处置,随时由总前委以单个命令规定之。
- This is an outline plan for the campaign. The General Front Committee will, whenever necessary, issue separate orders with regard to the arrangements to be carried out and the measures to be taken as the campaign develops. 辛、这是战役的基本纲要,所有规定执行事宜,及随着战役发展之各项处置,随时由总前委以单个命令规定之。
- The Central Committee communicated the document to all its bureaus, sub-bureaus and front committees. 中央将这个文件转发给各中央局、分局、前委。
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
- I drove up in front of the house and honked. 我将车开到屋子前面然后按喇叭。
- A committee was set up to look into the workers' grievances. 成立了一个委员会来调查工人的不满。
- He was elected chairman of the education committee. 他当选为教育委员会主任委员。
- He's the honorary chairman of the committee. 他是该委员会的名誉主席。
- The driver was ticketed for parking in front of a fire hydrant. 那个司机因把车停在消防栓前而接到交通违规罚单。
- Paperwork consumed much of the committee's time. 文书工作耗费了委员会许多时间。
- He took over the chairmanship of the committee. 他接任了这个委员会主任的职务。