- They were determined to make that new world strong and free, to overcome its hazards and its hardships, to conquer the enemies that threatened from without and within. 他们决心建设一个强大、自由的新世界,克服它的艰难险阻,战胜里里外外威胁他们的敌人。
- Unless these two problems are solved,or solved properly,our writers and artists will be ill-adapted to their environment and their tasks and will come up against a series of difficulties from without and within. 不解决这两个问题,或这两个问题解决得不适当,就会使得我们的文艺工作者和自己的环境、任务不协调,就使得我们的文艺工作者从外部从内部碰到一连串的问题。
- Unless these two problems are solved, or solved properly, our writers and artists will be ill-adapted to their environment and their tasks and will come up against a series of difficulties from without and within. 不解决这两个问题,或这两个问题解决得不适当,就会使得我们的文艺工作者和自己的环境、任务不协调,就使得我们的文艺工作者从外部从内部碰到一连串的问题。
- But I had no sooner commenced than a perfect pandemonium of voices reached my ears, a thousand clamoring notes from without and within, until I could hear nothing but their noise and din. 我一开始,便有一阵喧噪声浪送进我的耳鼓来,有的是从外面来的,有的是从里面来的,成千的喊声吵得我除了这些闹声以外,听不见一点别的声音。
- The last time China faced international pressure from without and massive rebellions within, a 300-year dynasty collapsed and the country barreled into civil war. 中国在最近的一次面临同时有外部压力和大规模的内部反叛的时候,一个历经三百年历史的王朝土崩瓦解,同时国家陷入了内战。
- from without and within 来自外面和内部的
- The window on the landing-place, which was a sash-window, was open.As in many ancient houses, the staircase got its light from without and had a view on the street. 楼梯平台的窗子是一扇吊窗,正敞开着,就象好些老式住宅一样,楼梯在此取光并可望见街道。
- Thanks to You that You have not spared me evils but have bruised me with bitter blows, inflicting sorrows, sending distress without and within. 我感谢祢,因为祢不但没有解脱的疾苦,还用爱情的鞭于,叫我疼痛,叫我内外不安。
- Now that there is a profound national crisis, with the Japanese and Wang Ching-wei harassing us from without and the traitors disrupting us from within, our existence as a nation and people will be placed in jeopardy unless there is a change of policy. 当此国难深重之秋,若犹不思变计,则日汪肆扰于外,奸徒破坏于内,国脉民命,岌岌可危矣。
- Thus, the Wang Ching-wei clique and the anti-Communist die-hards in the Kuomintang have been working in collusion, one from without and the other from within, and have created pandemonium. 这样,汪精卫派和国民党的反共顽固派两家里应外合,把时局闹得乌烟瘴气了。
- The danger in which Italy is now faced arises from within and not from without. 意大利现在所面临的危险来自国内,而不是国外。
- Now that there is a profound national crisis,with the Japanese and Wang Ching-wei harassing us from without and the traitors disrupting us from within,our existence as a nation and people will be placed in jeopardy unless there is a change of policy. 当此国难深重之秋,若犹不思变计,则日汪肆扰于外,奸徒破坏于内,国脉民命,岌岌可危矣。
- Thus,the Wang Ching-wei clique and the anti-Communist die-hards in the Kuomintang have been working in collusion,one from without and the other from within,and have created pandemonium. 这样,汪精卫派和国民党的反共顽固派两家里应外合,把时局闹得乌烟瘴气了。
- The watermelon is green without and red within. 西瓜皮绿瓤红。
- The apple is red without and white within. 苹果皮红肉白。
- He was at peace without and at war within. 他外表看起来很镇静,但内心却很焦急。
- We all pitched in and within a few hours all the boxes were removed from here. 我们一起开始努力干。几个小时之内所有的箱子就全部从这儿搬走了。
- More of our worries come from within than from without. 烦恼发乎内者多于发乎外。
- Completion of projects on time and within budget. 按时按预算完成项目的程度。
- Those are dangers from without, petty dangers. 那是身外的危险。