- Many great men rose from obscurity to fame. 许多伟人都是从卑微变得有名望的。
- He has risen from obscurity to international fame. 他已从默默无闻之辈而成为国际上名人。
- The trajectory of Hughes's literary career had him moving from obscurity to fame, and then, in the eyes of many, to life-long notoriety. 还有使他脱离阴霾走向成功的文学际遇,以及随后在众人眼中的声名狼藉。
- She was plucked from obscurity to instant stardom. 她在默默无闻中得到提携,转瞬成为明星。
- Steve rose from obscurity to be the spotlight. 从默默无闻,变成家喻户晓。
- rise from obscurity to fame 从卑微至成名
- from obscurity to fame 从默默无闻到成名
- By championing this one cause, Mr.Abe rose from obscurity to become prime minister three months ago. 通过支持这样的话题,安倍从身份低微到三个月前成为首相。
- You who soared on wings of song or marched to fame by highways of adventure, beckon to your side a motley band sprung from obscure corners of your homeland. 凭借歌曲的翅膀飞黄腾达或通过冒险的高速路走向成名的你们,把来自你们祖国偏僻角落,衣着纷杂的人们召唤到你们身边吧。
- It took a lot of pluck to do.Luckly, Lily was plucked from obscurity to instant stardom and came on the show to plug her new album. 莉莉这么做需要很大的勇气,但幸运的是她从默默无闻中得到提携,转瞬成为了明星,还出现在电视节目上宣传新专辑。
- Workers are ecstatic when a new letter or word emerges from obscurity to provide information that has remained hidden for over 145 years. 这些资料已经被隐藏超过145年,当一个新的字母或者文字从灰濛不清中浮现出来时,工作人员都欣喜若狂。
- They proved that, with some very astute acquisitions and the addition of a manager of the first class, a team can rise up from obscurity to be a postseason qualifier. 他们证明了这个总教练带领的第一年的确有他的一套,一个球队可以进步神速,甚至打进季后赛。
- Many unknown writers aspire to fame. 许多不知名的作家渴望成名。
- He thinks he's on his way to fame and success. 他以为他快要功成名就了。
- The small Washington-area investment bank climbed from obscurity to third place in the IPO rankings - admittedly, in a very weak year - while still charging many of its clients 7 per cent. 去年,这家默默无闻的银行一跃成为IPO业务排行榜上的第三名(当然,这是在市场极为低迷的一年中取得的),而它对许多客户也实行7%25的收费标准。
- He often dreams of a rapid rise to fame. 他常梦想一举成名。
- His only claim to fame is that he once met Stalin. 他唯一出风头的事是他与斯大林有一面之缘.
- She came to fame through hard work. 她因刻苦工作而成名。
- Are there any drawbacks to fame? 成名有什么缺点吗?
- Mickey Mouse's skyrocket to fame didn't take long. 米老鼠的飞涨没多久成名。